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Open Your Inner Wisdom

~ You are NOT a drop in the Ocean, You are the Ocean in a drop ~

High Frequency Songs and Psonns

The Voice | You Raise Me Up | The Waters Edge | Pls Don’t Miss Me I’m Not Gone | Freedom | This Must Be Paradise | Be at Peace | When I Was A CHILD |


Knowledge Starts HERE

Please read this first

  1. Let Makiko know that you are an active user of this portal, so she can direct you how to navigate the site.

  2. Receive at least one consultation session before you start then once a month alignment thereafter

  3. Daily alignment or meditation is highly recommended

  4. Create a safe and clean environment for you to receive the high frequency information

  5. Have a journal/notebook for the program

  6. Click HERE to view our members - and feel free to reach Dan or myself to add your profile.

  7. This is your healing class to accelerate your spiritual evolution. Please take care of self and take it at your own pace. ]

  8. We meet monthly as a group. I expect you to be there unless you tell me otherwise. Scroll down to the heading saying “Emerald Healing Monthly Study Group” and access our past meets. Most meetings come with a list of reading or movie list. As always, message me if you have any question. Look forward to seeing many of you.

To RAYKI members,

It is my pure joy to meet you here. I am offering this for the first time to expand our circles in a greater way. With less than $1 investment per day, you have access to the all live classes and recordings. You will also access special event and workshop at discounted rate. Be sure to follow me on social media (fb RAYKI LOVE) outlet as I announce there most often.

Receive a free member only class, a discount on workshops, retreats, and free aura wellness monitoring. Check out the school’s offering in the News section. Don’t forget to sign-up the newsletter so you can plan ahead.

You may cancel anytime, rejoin anytime, no hidden costs. Almost all classes are offered online, so you can view/attend from your home or elsewhere. Let’s Do This Together!

Member Benefits

  1. Access to hard-to-get information on Spiritual Mechanics

  2. Weekly Classes including Meditation & Health Class (see Calendar for details)

  3. Discount on Featured Workshops - Crystal Class (CRYSTAL30), Reiki, Spiritual Science Series (code SSS11)

contact Makiko if your passcode does not work, or do not receive one.

Quick Access

  • View upcoming classes

  • Tangible Structure of Soul (Materials and Class Recordings)

  • member’s cafe ( get to know your members)

  • Explore Law of One and 12 Attitudes and Responsibilities

  • Member Coupons Spiritual Science Series (member discount $11 off; use SSS11)

  • 12 High Frequency Move PDF

  • Maharic Shield Full Version ( Full version is also found in July 2021 Member Mtg under Emerald Monthly Study Group Section.

  • Epsilon Sequence (PDF | Audio 2023 ) >> Updated on OCT 8, 2023

  • Maharic Shield Quick Version

    • Step 1 Send a ball of AWARENESS down to your feet (12" below).

    • Step 2 With DEEP INHALE, pull the 12th D (Maharic) frequency to your body and all the way up to the ceiling (36" above your head). Exhale gently and be still and sense the energy pouring into your subtle body.

    • Step 3 Continue to breathe slowly till you fill up your auric field with Maharic frequency - densifying your field with LIGHT. If you are sensitive you may feel "cool" not cold sensation running through your body. Sense of calmness, clarity and sense of being loved.

  • Astral Protection, disengage disease causing disharmonic energy, and harmful transmissions including HAARP, EMP, Scalar Wave Weapons —> Description | Audio

  • Sacred Book Study Series

Ascension Study Group

Welcome, great minds!

Foundation for Members

Please contact me for access to these materials

AScension Study Group

  1. Tangible Structure of Soul (Audio, Class Recordings and PDF)

Series 1 Entering The 5D Worlds > Access | Series 2 God Seed > Access || Series 3 Soul Matrix > Register Special Series ~ Indigo Family > Shop

Schedule your appointment today!
(60min $90 Member Rate)

Suggested Self-Study - Books and Films

  1. He understanding masculine psychology, She understanding feminine psychology , Owing Own Your Shadow by Robert A. Johnson (three separate books)

  2. Film, Matrix (1999)

  3. Matrix of Power: How the World Has Been Controlled by Powerful People Without Your Knowledge Jordan Maxwell Reviewed by Lona (Sept 2020)

  4. Meet Your Strawman: And Whatever You Want To Know David E. Robinson Youtube Reviewed by Ki Ra (Oct 2020)

  5. Useful Educational Site Common Law

  6. I AM That ( free) by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Book club moderated by Jessica (2021) orientation HERE

  7. I AM by Howard Falco

  8. The 12th Planet by Zecharia Sitchin Moderator: Pam Youtube orientation HERE

Member Meeting Archives

Please click and study the portions you missed. Thank you.

  1. Member Orientation click to watch recordings >> May 2020 Part 1 of 2 & May 2020 Part 2 of 2

  2. Solstice Gathering click to watch recordings > > June 18th 2020 Word Magic, Law vs Legal, and your birthright

  3. July Member Meeting >> Maharic Sequence —> Maharic Seal (12 D Shield) Full Version PDF, Class Recording, Class Slides & Film Review (Dr. Strange)

    • Film Dr. strange - Timelines and War over Grids to hold power over others (Life-giving vs Life-taking) Live vs Evil (spell opposite)

    • Film “Lucy” - Hidden Human Potential, Time as a constant factor, Life is given to us for eons ago

  4. August Member Meeting >> 8/16 Sunday (Film Festival) Avatar The Air bender, Limitless, Guardians of the Galaxy

  5. September Member Meeting 9/27/20 >> Access Recording (1 Hr 40 min) “ Matrix of Power” by Jordan Maxwell

    • Updates & Announcements Spiritual Science Series Q&A Film Matrix Book Review by Lona Upcoming book review Q&A

    • Films/Books Being There > funeral scene (3:19min in) Eyes Wide Shut (1999), Angels and Demons & Da Vinchi Code both by Dan Brown (films and movies) Review our June meeting

  6. October Member Meeting >> Recording click HERE

    • Book reading by Ki Ra (Sunday 10/25/2020) Announcements and “Meet Your Strawman” (Book HERE | Video HERE)

  7. December Member Meeting (No member meet in November) (Sunday 12/6/2020 7pm-9pm NY Time) 2020 End of Year Member Gathering (VIDEO, YouTube)

  8. 2021 Our First Book Club (Sunday 1/31/2021 7:30pm-8:40pm NY Time) Introduction and Background (Video, YouTube)
    Moderator: What does a “Good” moderator like…? Hold a book reading meet-up (at least twice per month, weekly is an ideal situation), Encourage people (you may read or watch a video, or meditate on it), Hold sacred neutral space (accept all diverse opinions equally without judgement), Empower a reader to present his/her opinion, and Present a summary of findings and “feelings” collected from the book meets at a member gathering

  9. January 2021 Member Meeting “2021 Review and Upcoming Events & Psonn of Lyra ” SUNDAY January 31st 7pm-9pm NY Time (Video, YouTube)

  10. February 21 2021 Member Meeting “ I AM book club Presentation, I AM prayer (Vow to I AM)” (Video, YouTube)

  11. March 21st 2021 (6pm-8pm) Member Meeting “12th Planet Book club Presentation, Pre-Equinox Meditation and Tribal Psonn” (YouTube)

  12. April 18th 2021 Member Meeting Welcoming New Members/Life Happening, Upcoming Classes/Events, Review Sacred Law of One - Introduction YOUTUBE, Presentation PDF, Live Meeting)

  13. May 25, 2022 Member Meeting Suggested Topics Timeline - Heroic Probability, Dan Tien, Aliens and ETs, Akashic Records

  14. October 22, 2023 Member Meeting topic - KATHARA - KRYST and Krystallah teaching (YOUTUBE)

  15. November 26, 2023 Member Sunday Class - Time and Journey of Souls (YOUTUBE)

  16. 2023-3024 Member Class and references (Freedom Teaching - original | Sliders Series )

  17. Member Class APRIL 2024 Twin Flame >> Video (YOUTUBE)

  18. Member Class March 2025 >>> Video | Link to “Contact from the Guardians”.

Health Class

  • Gut Wellness part 1 (VIDEO, YouTube), Part 2 (VIDEO, YouTube)

  • Mental Wellness part 1 (Video, YouTube) Part 2 (Video, YouTube)

  • Health Class Spring 2021

    1. Foundation Part 1 (YouTube, Video) - Learn about our multiple identities and the corresponding minds that each of us embodies. Start talking to each mind/body so that we can put them back together.

    2. Foundation Part 2 (YouTube, Video) - Continuing from the Part 1, we learn the mechanism of healing/integration process. A concept of shadow self that is connected to a phantom matrix is introduced in order to expand our awareness and the importance of our role in healing this part of us.

    3. Foundation Part 3 (YouTube, Video, with members Q&A YouTube, Video) - Shadow Twin, Emergence of Ego (lower self vs negative ego) Get to know about your shadow self - it is a wonderful teacher

    4. Foundation Part 4 (YouTube, Video, PDF movement sheets) - Move Your Body!

    5. Those People (YouTube, Video)

    6. Health, Abundance and Wealth Goal Setting Class (YouTube) NOV 28th 2021

    7. 12 High Frequency Move PDF

Freedom Class

Small Meals Throughout The Day

Download The High Frequency Diet (PDF)

LIGHT-er Diet

Freedom Class

Freedom Teaching - Key To Our Freedom

All Is Connected - We are connected with Source via Authentic Tree of Life
(Source- Freedom Teaching)

Our Upper Chakras 5th ~ 11th shown below

Ascension Teaching*

Meditations & Mantra

Manifestation Templates (External) Advanced Codes

Foundation for New Comers

  • Spiritual Hygiene Level 1 > SHOP - Protect your fields when you are less awake and/or more stressed. This is critical especially if you are a healer and an empath.

  • Self-check Ascension Evaluation (coming soon)

Sacred Tones & Psonns (songs)

Psonns - Sacred songs (modern translation) when applied correctly, they heal our DNAs thus our divine templates. Original audible spoken language (Mu’a or Anuhazi) our Founders’ (Lyran Sirian) Language . “It is the first and the purest auditory translation of energy and mathematical signature behind energy essence.” - spk 1 (freedom teaching)

♪ Um Shaddai Ur- a Khum tan ♪
(anchoring the pillar of the first cause light)

♪ Thah-A’-Jha inta DO A’ ♪
(As I Decree it, So it is)

Rama Psonn.JPG
Earth Mother.JPG
I AM Paryer.JPG
Feel Good CodeHealing Water AND Healing Emotional BodyUM Ma-Ta UM (x3)     TE’ Wha  Na’hA  Vu  Sa-ta (x3)

Feel Good Code

Healing Water AND Healing Emotional Body

UM Ma-Ta UM (x3) TE’ Wha Na’hA Vu Sa-ta (x3)

Rosaleen Tobin version HERE | My own version HERE ~ connect with your Soul voice and sing this psonn

Upper Case - pronounce as is, OM = O sound and M sound. OE = O sound and E sound. Do not separate the tribe name from the corresponding Master Tone. The 12 Sacred Master Psonns for activating the 144 Fire Letters of the Tribal Shield Flame Codes in …

Upper Case - pronounce as is, OM = O sound and M sound. OE = O sound and E sound. Do not separate the tribe name from the corresponding Master Tone.
The 12 Sacred Master Psonns for activating the 144 Fire Letters of the Tribal Shield Flame Codes in the 12-Strand DNA Template. Plus Master Tone Activation Suffix.

Psonn Of Orion (The Ar-IE-a Khum-Nar'-A) The Ar IE a Khum Nar’ A or Psonn of Orion 1) serves to stimulate conscious expansion into higher dimensional fields (ascension), 2) accelerates and expedites his/her DNA (bio-regenesis), and 3) offers balance, healing, protection, and wisdom when sang as mantra. Higher Heart Activation - Heart Opening to Galactic Level

Psonn of Orion typed.JPG

Psonn Of Lyra
(Invocation Of The Maharata) Translation

Mah-Hah-Rah-Tah KHUM BI-Vec’Tus (your name)
I as D-12 Christos Avatar self ( your name)
Invoke by Divine Loving Command Now, by the Power of the Universal Christos,
Mah’-ah BI-Vec’TI UN UR’-A- OR’-NaM’ - OOR
the D-12 Divine Christos Blueprint past-present-future; NOW the Divine Sea of Liquid Light anchors in the moment.
E’ –stA Un’tA E’-Sa Tra’zd-JHa’ HA’-A Rha
Absolutely now established, always and forever, in eternal abiding reverent Love of the Eternal ALL-ONE
P’tah-TA Um a Ah-ShA’-Lum
Blessed Be all embracing, given forth from the Still Point of Eternal Peace
Thah-A’-Jha in’ta DO A”
Um Sha’-DI UR’-A ah Khum’ Tun (x3)
All Embracing Pillar of First Cause Light, I AS THIS expression now.

Psonn of Khemalohatea

Once was a night
Of a far away dream
Once was a night
When the candle fire burned

Once was a night
When the Nightingales sing
Once on this night
Worlds were born

Once on a day
When the sun shone it's brightest
Once on a day
When the breezes rose high

Once on a day
When the rivers flowed with sorrow
Once on this day
Worlds were gone

But today, in this moment in the heat of the fire
Burns a long-aching dream of life returned from the pyre
...Oh come near, new life reborn

Come, come, rise from the waters
Come, come, rise from the sea
Reach forth heart of the lion
Ringing out from the ancient lands of destiny

Once were a peoples
Pure and of innocence
Once were a peoples
Loving and free

Once were a peoples
Alive with eternal light
Once were a peoples--the Haialeai (Hi-A-Lay) In Victory

Once came a wind
Dark and cold from the lowly places
Once came a spawn
Of the dark fallen sun

Once when the rays
Of the demon spread suffering
Once stricken the Haialeai were done

But today, in this moment, in the warmth of the sun
Rise the long hidden peoples of the Golden-Silver one
Oh come near-Haialeai reborn

Come, come, rise from the dream-lands
Come, come, rise from memory
Reach forth children of El-Haialeai
Camelot awaits thee where the golden portals call

Now in a dream all the worlds that had gone away
Now in a dream waking forth to the dawn
Here in this dream reaching forth to the universe
And call to the port of our home

Come, come, open the doorways
Come, come, let us be free
Here, now, we give of our love to thee
The homelands so longed for
Sacred Khem A-Lo-Ha-Tea

Come, Come Open the Doorways,
e'-Ta A, e'-Ta , LA'-Ha Sha-Dem'-a
Come, Come Let us be free,
e'Ta A, e'Ta , HE'-ma Ash-ra-DA'
Here, now, we give of our love to thee,
Chrez-Ha-NA TU-e-t'a- Deh ... Am-or-aea (Am-Or-A'-a)
The homelands so longed for
Dur-neth'-room ar'-a HA'-na
Sacred Khem-a-Lo-Ha-Tea.
e-shoo'-Ra Khem-a-Lo-Ha-Tea

Psonn of Khem-a-Lo-Ha-Tea Activation Key Translation
Complete entire Khem-a-lo-Ha-tea Psonn, including last "Command Chorus", then repeat the last Command Chorus once using the Anuhazi translation. Last Chorus Activation Key Translation: by Freedom Teaching(R)

co-creation Psonn words.PNG

Call of Aurora

AER-san (333) Neir-um-en (66) Bhra-hA-deLaan (12)…

So-sha Rhu-ShE-ma-NOUT (5&11) Rhu-ShE-ma-NOUT (11)

Bhra-hA-de-Laan(12) DhrE-a (4) Yon-Bhra-hA-deLaan Jha-Dha-TU (1, 12,7)

*Repeat 144 times

(Anuhazi Language)

*Above mentioned sacred teaching and ascension techniques are from Azurite press - once upon a time available on Azuritepress.com  - no legit website I can cite as of now. Some people who do care for others are sharing in various places. So please treat these with respect and love. Thank you.      
Anuhazi —> Definition, YouTube

Psonn of Ashalum Anuhazi

Ha-DA un-E’-sta, Ta’-JhA-um Tra-Da
E’-Yon-A-Oosh-U Ah’-NA
Ah’-Shla Min-Ta’-Da A-DO’r-A ish-Ma
en-DUr Um-E-na Sha-LA

Prayer for Safe Passage to Heaven

Feel Good Code

Feel Good Code

Feel Good Code

Healing Water AND Healing Emotional Body

UM Ma-Ta UM (x3) TE’ Wha Na’hA Vu Sa-ta (x3)

Healing Water using the Feel Good Code

  1. Place both hands onto the feel good code(s). Breath in and out through the opening of your crown (where the soft spot resides - opening of the crown often seen in a baby’s head)

  2. Ask permission from water, is it OK to co-creation with me for healing? Wait and feel the etheric vibration with your hands - when you feel the positive vibration, then you go ahead with it. “Feel” the vibration of the water again to see if it’s completed or need the additional treatment (breath up through your crown opening, exhale down to the water). “Talk to the molecules of the water”

  3. Make a Feel Good Code sphere around the water and visuzlise the big sphere around the water with the feel good code in it.

  4. You may visualize that each water moleculer transform into the feel good code with golden hue. 

  5. Take a small portion of the water and bring it into your body. And you may start talking with water.

The "1st 12 Steps of Materialization" - The Progression from Consciousness to Matter

(Source: Sliers 2) This is before the PartiK and PartiCum are born 

Consciousness to Pre-Substance states: Source is a massive and endless field called Etaur (pron. as Eto-auor) field, its a Consciousness - Etaur field is a God Consciousness field that is alive and aware of self. All Things and All beings came from this field. We were created in an image of God Source - our original (first) state was huge consciousness much like Etaur field. We indivudated ourselves through a process of creating Aaj-JhA body, Spirit body, Light body within then tettering ( or not) through something (parents here for Earth).  

Etaur Consciousness Pulse from Source Field progresses through core of Aah-JhA Hydro-Acoustic Body "Local Source Field", to ElumEir-Adhona Spirit Body, to Rasha Dark-matter Body, to Light Body Core and into the Translation Duct system of the Physical Atomic Body to begin the Translation Sequence. 

Steps 1-5 The 5 Pre-Substance Conscious PIasms Translation Sequence Pre-partikiCreation Born of E-ta-Ur Conversion within the personal, planetary & golar Atomic Body The Allu r-E'ah Pre-Subsfance

  • 1. Pre-Substance State-1 Plasm-1 Cool Crystalline Etaur = FEELING "stream" 

  • 2. Pre-Substance State-2 Endoplasm-2 Warm Liquid Etaur = EMOTION, Heated Liquid Vapor = NOTION 

  • 3. Pre-Substance State-3 Thermoplasm-3 Electrified Heat Vapor-Etaur = THOUGHT "Clouds" 

  • 4. Pre-Substance State-4 Hydroplasm-4 Liquid-Gel IDEA-GEL 

  • 5. Pre-Substance State-S Ectoplasm-5 "Gossamer-thread-Crystallized Etaur IDEA-CRYSTALS

Step 6 The 1 Pre-Substance Compound Conscious Hydro-Ecoustic Protoplasm Living water Born of Allur-E'ah Conversion within the "p/p/s" Aah-JhA'Hydro-Ecoustic Body 

The Allu re-E'ah Ra-sha-tan Pre-Subsfance 

  • 6. 1st Hydro-Ecoustic Pre-Substance Compound HYDROLASE (D3-OOH2O2He3, D2-O2H2N3 organic, conscious, living, pre-substance-water)

Step 7 The 2 Pre-Matter Conscious Vapors 

Born of Hydrolase Conversion within the personal, planetary & solar Atomic Body The "A-riE' Pre-Matter Substance 

  • 7. 1st Hydro - vapor Hydro-plasmic Pre-Matter Substance HYDROS (D3-H2, D2-O2 "molecular oxygen") 

  • 8. 2nd Therma - vapor Thermo-plasmic Pre-Matter Substance ECTOS (D3-O2He3, D2-H2N3)

Step 8 The 6 Pre-Matter Conscious Metallic Electroplasmas 

Born of A-riE'-ah Conversion (NaVa'Ho Phasing)within the "p/p/s" Rasha Dark-matter Body 

The "Ma'-Tah LE'-ka" Pre-Matter Base Elements 

  • 9. 1st Pre-Matter Plasmic Element ManU "Golden-Silver ONE" (D3-WPd, D2-AUAG "golden-silver') 

  • 10. 1st Pre-matter Plasmic Elemental Pair ManA (D3-WH2Re, D2-AU02P$ EirA (D3-Pd, D2-AG "silver') 

  • 11, 1st Pre-matter Plasmic Elemental Triad Prana (D3-H2Re, D2-02Pt "molecular oxygen & platinum"), Mana (D3-W tungsten, D2-AU gold) Eirah (D3-V "Vanadium", D2-Ti "titanium")

Step 9 The 6 Core-Atomic-Matter Conscious Hydro-gel Liquid-Light Hydroplasmas Born of Ma'-Tah-LE'-ka Conversion (Tauren Phasing)within the "p/p/s" Core Light Body 

The Ei'r-Ra-DA'-ah "Eiradonis Nobilities" Hydro-qeleziac lrradian Atomic-Elemental Matter Base 

  • 12. 1st Hydro-gel Hydroplasmic MatterAtomic Nobility Element Protos (H “Hydrogen") 

  • 13. 1st Hydro-gel Hydroplasmic Matter Atomic Nobility Pair Lotos (He "helium") Sotos (Ne "neon") 

  • 14. 1st Hydro-gel Hydroplasmic Matter Atomic Nobility Triad Logos (Dr "krypton") Eiros (Xe "xenon") Ethos (Rn "radon")

Step 10 The 5 lnner-Matter Conscious Thermal Ether-Vapor Thermoplasmas 

Born of Ei'-Ra-DA'-ah Conversion (Adon Phasing)within the "p/p/s" lnner Light Body 

The A-don-yha Thermal-qeleziac Electro-magnetic Atomic-Elemental lnner-Light-Matter Base 

Creates the "15 States of Thermoplasmic Atomic-Matter”

  • 15. Plasmos - 'fire-ice" frozen ether-cloud 

  • 16. Magnos - "fire-crystal" - ether crystal 

  • 17. Hydrose - "fire water' ether-liquid-flows 

  • 18. Thermos -'fire-air' ether-gas-vapor 

  • 19. Electros Vapor - "fire-vapor' ether-flame-vapor

Step 11 The 3 Middle-Matter Conscious Crystalline-Electro-Light Ectoplasmas Born of A-don-yha Conversion (Edon Phasing)within the "p/p/s" Middle Light Body. 

The Gel-'is'Ial-'E'Ecto-qeleziac Crystal-Liqht Atomic-Elemental Middle-Lisht Matter Base 

  • 20. 1st Ectoplasmic Crystalline-Electro-Light Atomic Mafter CELESTALLON (D3-02He3WH2VN2, D2-H3N3AU02TiHe2 polarizes to become Celestalline and Celestallite) 

  • 21. 1st Ectoplasmic Crystalline-Electro-Light Atomic Matter Pair 

CELESTALLINE (D3-02He3WH2, D2-H2N3AU02 = Ectos+Mana+Hydros) CELESTALLITE (D3-02He3W, D2-H2N3AU = Ectos+Mana)

Prayer of the DhA-Ya-TEi; Declaration of the Ultimate Desire Audio (Above) | Video


"The Disciplines"-Moving Meditations The "Disciplines" are specific, slowly rendered energy movements by which the Dha-Ya-TEi Elemental Source Flows are moved and directed through the physical-mental-spiritual body system via combined physical, mental and "e-motional" action.

  • The 3 Disciplines of Sa-MA’-yah Water Command from the “Water Command Directional Posture” called the Mha-Haah-VhE’, also known as the “Holy Waters”.

  • In relation to energy mastery within the physical-atomic-matter system, the Holy Waters represents the physical/emotional/intuitive drectional poasture and energy circulation/movement which corresponds to and rides upon the Sacred Butterfly/DhA-ya-TEi Air Command Core Posture. MCEO Freedom Teaching

Closed loop Yin Yang vs, Sacred Butterfly Open loop Yan Yun


The Vow of Ah-Va DhA-Ta-TEi

Ah-VA' = Eternal | DhA-Ya-TEi = an Embodied Mind-Spirit of God-Source | Tech 8 used with movement of Sacred Butterfly Slider 11 and 12 (admin use)

Movements & Strength

Ascension Library



Astrology & Astro-theology

  1. Universal Truth School by Santos > his website contains lists of books, videos, and visuals to help you expand your consciousness from Astrological standpoint)

  2. Cafe Astrology .com - well organized astrology online (good place to start your astrology learning

  3. www.astro.com - great place to draw your natal chart and others (free)

  4. Rick Levine is also a good person to learn Astrology from. You probably can find his content from Gaia, YouTube channels.

  5. There are so many resources out there - take your time and enjoy learning this wonderment. It will continue to expand your consciousness

Spiritual Sciences

  1. Sacred Texts (World Religions Internet Source) > contains comprehensive records of sacred texts from everywhere.

  2. Books to build foundation

    1. Matric of Power by Jordan Maxwell,

    2. Meet Your Strawman by Robinson, David E

    3. The 12th Planet by Zecharia Sitchin (Download The Book Free )

  3. Azurite Press Emerald Order Emerald Orden Melchizedek Cloister (EOMC) - later name changed to MCEO Freedom Teaching Series.

    1. Creation - Projected Reality by Noel Tobin

    2. Exploring the God Worlds by Kathara Team Members

    3. There is over 600GB information from The Freedom Teachings of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO).

  4. Books by Ashayana Deane Angelic Realities, Voyagers ( Volume I 1999, Volume II 1999-2002)- “LIFE saver for those who have inter-dimensional contacts or abduction experience by negative ETs/Aliens. Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods by Theresa Talea - you may find this interesting if you resonate well with Voyagers.

  5. Energetic Synthesis by Lisa Renee - Similar to Freedom Teaching.

Take what you need, and leave the rest. Always follow your inner guidance. You choose each moment, no one else.

Movies/TV series

Watch with kids

  • Avatar: The Last Airbender (American animation series) Great gift to your grandchildren or to watch together especially if you have younger children

  • One Piece (Japanese Anime series) - the author got to be channeling the information from the higher realm! Soft and hard disclosure everywhere. Yet, you can watch this with your family

  • Spirited Away (2001 film) Animation Fantasy -some soft disclosure of the astral realm

  • Your Name (2016 film) Animation Fantasy - good one to twist your brain on Time Traveling and Quantum Entanglement

  • Home (2015 film)

  • Inside Out (2015) - healing emotional body, dream realities, dimensional fields (cute movie )

  • Hunter × Hunter (2011 ‧ Action fiction ‧ 6 seasons) - some violence yet packed with wisdom and ethical questions

A little dark side…..

  • Contain hard disclosures with twists….

    • Matrix (1999), Jupitar Ascending (2015)

    • Wag the Dog (1997) - corruptions of media

    • Lucy (2014) (warning - many violent scenes)

    • Da Vinci Code (2006), Angels and Demons (2009)

    • Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 ‧ Sci-fi ‧ 7 seasons)

    • Loki (TV Series 2021– ) - IMDb

  • AI (Dark Matrices) charged (Alpha-Omega) programming

    • Edge of Tomorrow (2014), Independence Day (1996), The Day After Tomorrow (2004), and any Armageddon-themed films

  • Prediction Films/TV shows

    • Fight Club (1999), Simpsons TV shows, Minority Report, The Terminator (1984)

  • Other notable films

    • Guardians of the Galaxy Series

    • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

    • Mission Impossible (Fall Out)

    • Eyes Wide Shut (warning - contains many disturbing scenes)

    • MIB

Official and less Official Disclosures…. happening around us all the time

  • This is a bit silly, funny and intriguing… 18 times 'The Simpsons' accurately predicted the future Reading link or watch VIDEO