KATHARA = Map of Manifested Ones

Ka= Light, Tha = Sound, Ra=One


Source: www.instagram.com/p/B9u72iCHsR-/?hl=en

The word Kathara refers to the Core Structure of Morphogenetic Fields, the Holographic Templates of Sound-Light and Scalar Waves that serve as the blueprints on which matter manifests.

KA - Light, THA - Sound, RA - One.

The Kathara Grid of the human body is the Core Holographic Template upon which the morphogenetic scalar-wave template, and all other levels of identity and form are built. It is the "Control Center" for manifestation of the Human Being.

There are several structural levels of the Kathara Grid:
Level-1 Kathara = 12-Tree Grid with Kathara Centers & Kathara Lines
Level-2 Kathara = Crystal Seals Grid & 15 Primary Chakras
Level-3 Kathara = Diodic and Miodic Points Grid


The Kathara Grid is the primary mathematical-geometrical organization of units of consciousness upon which Partiki units group to form morphogenetic field scalar grids. It is geometrically structured as 12 Primary Kathara Centers connected by 15 Primary Kathara Lines.

It is the CORE level of scalar standing wave creation and energetic organization within and behind all dimensionalized systems, and is thus considered to be the Core of the Holographic Template upon which the morphogenetic scalar wave blueprint and all other dimensions of form anatomy are built.

The Kathara Grid is the causal element within all manifest effects of dimensionalization and consciousness. The form of the Kathara Grid is reflected in the Macrocosm and the Microcosm of all manifestation. All forms have at their core the common structure of the Kathara Grid Holographic Template.

Energy IS Eternal Consciousness that perpetually changes form by projecting through the structures of the Kathara Grid, while simultaneously remaining always the same. Energy can not be created or destroyed, it only changes form following the geometric structure of the Kathara Grid.

The first Tree of Life or Kathara Grid and the one closest to God-Source is called Krist Grid. (See: Primal Order, Kathara Healing) The Kathara Grid is the CAUSAL FACTOR beneath ALL dimensional expressions, thus all forms of consciousness & consciousness integration-expansion too!

Continued on FB Community Page-Consciousness Expansion Movement angelic.humanity

To make it complicate this further (!), each world level has a Particum (PCM - Matter) side and its corresponding Twin Parallel Partika (PKA- non matter) side. (Twin Systems) So Veca has its Parallel Veca, and Ecka has its own so forth. The most diagrams omit their corresponding parallel ones.



External Ascension Map (Back to Source) explained by KATHARA Grids
Stairway to Heaven

MCEO Freedom Teaching


The first level of creation and the closest to Source. The first tree of life or Kathara Grid. Things that are built upon the mathematical programming of the Krist Grid are referred as Kristos. And what this means is that they have the ability to perpetually self regenerate. It means that they have an open conduit of circulation of Consciousness and Life Force Energy (ManU) between the manifestation fields and God Source directly, so they are eternal life as opposed to finite life. They are eternal free energy systems as opposed to finite energy systems that struggle and compete for power or for energy. Thus, when we talk about Kristos, we talk about concepts as far as consciousness, but we also talk about very, very specific universal mechanics. Through the ManU-ManA-EirA God-Force Divine Trinity the "Divine Child" of the Cosmic Krist (Known on the smaller UNIVERSAL level as the "CHRIST") is perpetually born.

The Cosmic Krist is the living God-Force consciousness filed created through the specific combining of the ManU-ManA-EirA God-Forces within a very specific "DIVINE DESIGN", by which the First Creation of Manifest Expression could occur, was enabled to remain perpetually in motion, and through which God-Source and its many manifestations of SELF can retain an Eternal, Perpetual OPEN interrelationship. The Krist is the specifically arranged Living Manifestation Template, existing with the "Divine Trinity" ManU-ManA-EirA God-Force Consciousness Field, which perpetually holds the DIVINE BLUEPRINT or precise "Technical Specifications of DIVINE ORDER" upon and through which Eternal Life Cosmic Creation is created. The word "Krist" and "Kristallisation" are drawn from the first set of 7 vibrational encryptions to emerge into audible outer expressions of consciousness sound cells from phasing of the Inner Hub ADON Bud Cluster (the "Bud-Aahs" of the Inner Monadic 1st Eternal Life Creation) of 6 Primordial Outer Tones:

Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Ha La

Are known as the KRYST-Hala' of the "Aah" 1st Great Void - or - the Kryst-(h)aL(a)Aah, the Tonal Core of Outer First Creation.

KATHARA Grid Universal Star Gate Architect

MCEO Freedom Teaching

Personal KATHARA Grid

(2d Level Grid)

Energetic Syhthesis

KATHARA Density and Dimensional Level Correspondences (Density-1 vs dimensional 2 KATHARA Grids)