SUNDAY November 22nd 11am - 12:30pm NY Time zone online class
Lecture & Healing Experience : (3) Soul Matrix
Do you know where you came from? Would you be surprise to know that you have a soul matrix?
Have you ever wonder where you may go after this life?
What is the Soul?
Are the Soul and the Spirit different?
You are asking the right questions, if you ever had these thought process.
Do you know why many people are trapped in the physical bodies, and are constantly feeling the separation anxiety?
When we separate ourselves from our souls, we experience mental confusion, anxiety, anger….. often mind seek something to hang onto. This can lead to some form of attachment or addiction. If so, how one can overcome from this separation? How can we reclaim our soul body, and regain our balance and alignment?
Come and join me in exploring " the Soul" from a scientific perspective.
There will be ample time for discussion in a small group.
Deep soul healing sessions are included.
cost $44 (free for member)
Register > HERE
Image credit: ColdSmiling