Lecture Topic: (2) God Seeds
Spiritual Science Series ~ (2) God Seeds - From the birth of Cosmos to the birth of human race - explore the God’s World and Creation Process. Decode biblical, and astrological teachings and seek truth. Science has spiritual essence and Spirituality invites science. Clear presentation on multidimensional nature - explained as linear as it can be. Nourish your soul and re-evolve back to the higher identity.
Video 1hr 40min
Slide 40 pages
Lecture Topic: (3) Soul Matrix
Spiritual Science Series ~ (3) Soul Matrix - Meet Your Soul Family
Lecture & Healing Experience : (3) Soul Matrix
Do you know where you came from? Would you be surprise to know that you have a soul matrix?
Have you ever wonder where you may go after this life?
What is the Soul?
Are the Soul and the Spirit different?
You are asking the right questions, if you ever had these thought process.
Do you know why many people are trapped in the physical bodies, and are constantly feeling the separation anxiety?
When we separate ourselves from our souls, we experience mental confusion, anxiety, anger….. often mind seek something to hang onto. This can lead to some form of attachment or addiction. If so, how one can overcome from this separation? How can we reclaim our soul body, and regain our balance and alignment?
Come and join me in exploring " the Soul" from a scientific perspective.
There will be ample time for discussion in a small group.
Deep soul healing sessions are included.
Video 2hr
Slide 34 pages
Recorded Nov 22, 2020
Spiritual Science Series Special ~ Introduction to Indigo Family
- Answering the basic to advanced questions about Indigo family.
Explore true origin of Indigo family, history, mission, and your relation to the collective. Are you the Indigo, or know of them? From pre-ancient and modern New Age - many spiritual thought leaders taught us what this means to us and to our planet, Mother Earth. You may have read about Indigo children - he or she can be still small or left this plane already. You might be surprised to know about their hidden abilities behind some awkward behaviors/characteristics. How can you optimize your potential, and/or facilitate their missions? Find out why this is relevant to you, and how you may expand your consciousness to assist your own spiritual evolution.
Nourish your soul and re-evolve back to the higher identity. Lecture and healing (90min-2 Hrs)
Video 1hr 53min
Slide 40 pages
Lecture Topic: Spiritual Science Series ~ (4) Meet The Mentor (Spirit Guide)
Lecture & Experience : ENHANCED Higher Sensory Perception (HSP) and connect with your higher self and beyond
You will be able to receive messages from your guide without going into deep meditative state, or dreamtime.
What You Receive
Direct cognition from your 5th dimensional archetype
Audio guidance from your 5th dimensional archetype
Visual direction from your 5th dimensional archetype
Receive healing guidance* from client’s 5th dimensional archetype to yours
Assist your dream recall, and out of body travel
Come and join me in exploring " the Soul" from a scientific perspective.
There will be ample time for discussion in a small group.
2 Activations & 2 Practice Sessions Included.
Video 2hr
Slide 26 pages
Recorded Dec 27, 2020
Lecture Topic: (5) God Particles
Spiritual Science Series ~ (5) God Particles - Lecture on God Particles
Seekers and curious students, let us dive into the mind of God. What is God Particles? Do they exist? If so, is it a tangible object, and is it conscious? Is energy conscious? How small is too small or too big for consciousness to be embodied?
Once you comprehend the God Particles, you start unlocking all the science and the spiritual teachings -including dimensions, time, space, frequency, holographic reality, human consciousness, creation mechanics, and our connection to SOURCE, God’s Mind, and Cosmic Consciousness. Zooming into the Cosmic Consciousness - core of Spirituality and the world of the Ultra Micro Quantum Physics.
Come and learn with like-minded friends in nurturing environment.
Video 1hr 55min
Slide 83 pages
recorded on January 20th Wednesday 2021
Lecture Topic: (1) Entering the 5D Mind
Online Class Spiritual Science Series ~ What is a 5D mind? New Age people talk about 5D as the energy of unconditional love. Where is this and how can we as humans comprehend this concept and perhaps experience this realm? There is an order and structures behind it as well as a part of your identities.
Ascension path before and after 2012
Dimension and Time - Mechanics of Time
New Earth vs Blended (NET) Earth
Astral Body and Protection
Nourish your soul and re-evolve back to the higher identity.
2 Videos 1hr 38min + 5min (personal view)
Slides 41 pages
Techniques ( available separately - see Spiritual Hygiene 1 package)