Year 2020 showing its true nature and we all are feeling this. This is one of those trigger events as we experience it together but in a different way.
The year 2020 is the zero point of our collective consciousness. We start feeling it from our core. We are experiencing the birth of something new and extraordinary. It is the birth of interconnected consciousness, just outside of "I AM" awareness. Some of us were already beyond this point - those are wayshowers, healers, teachers, etc., who are just like me and you, but can live from the heart. The majority of people are just transitioning from I AM to the collective consciousness. It is similar to the experience in a movie theater - you become the main character and experience his/her moments together as if you were in the scene, actively interacting with 'the screen reality' from your seat. At this time we are watching the same movie and actively sharing an individuated experience via the most powerful energy - emotion. You may have more dreams, you have more aha moments, and perhaps you hear from a friend from high school. It is one of the most difficult times if you are an empath. This is why I decided to host a free healing meditation, and offer more classes related to protection, and spiritual mechanics for people who need more knowledge on the spiritual realm. What is the New Age? How much can one trust those channeling messages? Which books to read? Is the Internet safe?
Through centering the energetic core, one can start discovering the inner self, the inner physician, and inner wisdom. It is so simple yet difficult to perform it consistently. Until we can do this routinely without much effort, you need to be consciously remind yourself throughout the day. Once you master this, you will gain a sense of certainty. I have created a couple of videos/audios for you to start centering yourself from the core. This will help you develop a sense of awareness, reset yourself to the zero point, and experience more stillness and less anxiety..
Reducing Anxiety watch video >> click here
Filing System Technique
Imagine yourself in a dark room. So dark that you feel as if you are sitting in the center of a void. Perfectly still. There is nothing to see nothing to listen to. Music noise fades away, just you and this void space. It is comfortable as you feel weight-less, no gravity, start to visualize feeling, emotion, thoughts and idea ... how interesting it is to be able to see a feeling in the form of a geometrical shape - some thoughts come with colors and textures. Some come with vibrations. So enjoy all those things that start dancing around in this space. Soon the void space fills with all these things.
As you inhale some of them come closer to your face. And you simply say, file away, and place it into the folder. And you file it away. So inhale, capture a thought, exhale file it away. Inhale exhale, you repeat breathe in and out, feeling the vibration as you exhale, Soon enough, your space becomes a void again. All those emotions, feelings, and thoughts are neatly in a filing cabinet.
Away from you, away from the center of your energetic core.
Now rest your awareness back to your core. The center of this void space. I AM in the zero point now. I AM here now. I AM here with me now. I AM in a perfect self. perfect now, and complete.
Be Still....feel the void, nothingness, the center of the vortex, my energetic core. This is my sacred space.
Any thought, or any energy, any matter, requires my permission to enter this space.
Inhale the bless of God, exhale feel the vibration, energy from your higher self.