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Daily Practice
Light & Sound Workshop for Healers and Empaths
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Your Weekly Routine
I AM Void
Week 1 (up to Week 4) You are a graceful VOID creator. It also means that you are one with all the things (ALL). This is a very important first step as it will get you to the starting line. Finally you have a map and keys to play with. It may sound easy, but it can be very frustrating for many. Be gentle yet firm. Trust the process, and you shall meet your inner physician.
Step 1 ( Week1 ~ Week 3 )
Each day create a Quiet Time (3 min) - treat your mind and body with a shower of nothingness - remove yourself from going down the rabbit hole of thoughts, stop the mental chatter, and prevent your brain from creating chaotic energy. This is an active process - to create a quiet time is to stay focused and track your awareness from one moment to the next. Set a time to do this each day. It can be as short as 3 min or waiting for a traffic light to change. You can be a kind observer to yourself - how well can you hold your attention? How quickly can you get back to the still point?
Review your progress each Friday evening. How did I do? “I was pretty good” —> It is important to reward yourself no matter how small or little that is. Do something fun that brings you pure JOY. Otherwise you may dedicate 30min to practice “VOID” creation. You can look at your Victory Photos and then stay in that moment as long as you are able. You may go to the chat group and seek some advice from others to improve your routine. :)
Awaken Senses
I AM awake in my dream, I AM aware, and I awake all senses
Step 2 (Week 4 ~ 6 )
By this time, you are automatically creating the VOID time and space. Let’s add the following morning routine!
Create a morning routine: a) scan yourself upon awakening. Ask yourself Am I well rested? I slept well physically yet I feel like I was busy doing something. Do I have mental fog, or am I mentally tired? Train yourself to take the very first answer. This will support your intuition. b) while your stomach is empty, do the Partiki breathing we did with David’s drumming ( 3 short consecutive inhales, hold, then one strong exhale). While you’re holding a breath, visualize or sense that you become ONE with Source. This will make your body lighter and awake many senses.
(Advanced option) Choose 2-3 exercises from 12 High Frequency Moves. Pay extra attention to the breathing instructions. As you exhale you become more Light (electric). You become more Sound (magnetic) while inhaling. The last movement is a Tree Pose and also a Merkaba activation pose. When you lift your right leg, you will be visualizing that you are moving your field in a clockwise direction (more electric), and vice versa. Each move is designed to unblock and expand parts of your spiritual anatomy, so that we can maintain a higher frequency longer. This helps you to connect with your higher identity, increase senses to see and hear expanded ranges of light and sound spectrum. Trust the process and follow your inner guidance here. DO NOT over stretch or hold a pose to the level of discomfort.
Sacred Healing
Light, Sound, One Trinity Code
Step 3 (Week 7 ~9)
We will be adding sacred tones and light codes (sacred geometry) into our meditation practice. If this is new to you, please start with Maharic Shield.
Perform the abdominal breathings from the class - expand your belly as you inhale ( x3), hold and exhale with sound. Repeat this process until you release dense energy - have any noise come out of your mouth - better if it sounds like a wild animal or monster like. You may add some of the High Freq Moves here to accelerate the process. If you are successful, you start laughing or feel lighter around your belly. As sound leaves, you will hold the intention that they will return to their rightful owners.
Start adding tones (mantra) into your meditation. the following sounds are sacred and bring you to a higher consciousness. Try to use your own voice and let your body feel/hear them Um, Ur, Rha
You can also add colors (crystals) into your meditation practice. Pick at least one crystal or color that resonates well with you. This can change each day. Trust your gut and hold them or visualize it as vivid as you can. As your mind drifts, you will gently bring your attention back to the color/crystal. Have your senses/skins lead your meditation and not your head.
Advanced Options: a) Magic Words of Co-Creation. You may start with Um-ah-A' ThrA' E-na- A Ec-ka-sha ( 3 times ) —> the entire sequence b) Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Ha La Aah - Creation Spheres of Music c) or just Aah (the first Great Void)
Record your progress. You may just note that you completed the meditation. By writing it down, your body remembers to do this daily. It becomes easier for you to perform this exercise. In time, you can’t wait to get into this state, away from the daily chores.
Healing Light
& Healing Sound
Step 4 (Week10 ~ 12) - will be covered in the Class 3
First we will address the more urgent areas. Let us focus on areas of discomfort, pain, chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart diseases, cancers, mental illnesses, etc. General guidance - if the pain is short passing or a physical injury such as burn or small cut, you will focus on the immediate area or closest chakra point. If it is related to chronic illnesses and serious one, we will need to reach the highest frequency as the causal points often originated from the higher dimensions.
Healing using Sound (Tone)
Healing with Light (Color and Symbol Codes)
You may add your own practice (Crystals, Singing/Crystal bowls, Drum, Harp, Flute, etc.) before and after the above mentioned sequence.
In order to perform these in an optimal way, the following steps are highly recommended. The reasons for doing these first are for you to have favorable/positive experience from the class and to comprehend the content in a more conscious way. Your higher part of mind and body is processing them with or without your conscious cognition. It is till more fun and fulfilling when all parts of you “get it” together. There are some techniques to accomplish this, though it is not perfect. Some of us are not ready for a good reason. It is important to honor Divine Timing and Divine Right Way. It helps when we do not compare to or compete with each other. Be gentle with this process - you will get it when you are least expected.
Light and Sound Initiation (pre-Activation Step)
You will be led to an initiation process.
Ground yourself - You may choose any of the followings: conscious Breathing, Yoga (i.e., Earth Sequence), Conscious eating, interacting with nature, etc. If weather permitting, working with dirt/planting, or walking along a nature trail will do. Driving/bicycling long distance or air travel will do the opposite.
Alignment - Body-Emotion-Mind-Spirit Breath Sequence to bring all parts into ONE-ness (will be covered in the class)
Protection - 12D/Maharic Shield
Light and Sound Activation 1
Use of Light Symbol Codes. You may print these pictures and cut them out in an individual pierce (optional) if you wish to achieve the optimal result.
1) Focus on Eckasha Symbol Only. Perform Optical-Pineal Induction (advanced option).
Veca Codes 1 & 2
Veca Code 3 & 4
Veca Code 5 & 6
Advance Option:
Once per day, do Maharic Quick-Seal. Then practice each set of Veca tones separately while fixating visual focus on corresponding Veca-Code symbol; spend at least three or four minutes gazing at each symbol (optical-pineal induction) while toning corresponding tones (core template vibrational induction). With practice this will progressively expand the personal consciousness while activating the personal Christos Trion-Meajhe Field of your Christos-Rishiac-Ascended Master (the highest form of your Light body identity) identity levels within the cellular structure.
Once per week, directly after completing Exercise - 1, place all Veca-Code symbols over designated body areas, activate Maharic Shield, breathe D-12 Maharata Current through each symbol and body area to induce code, using the BI-Tri-Khu-Oha-Ra Sequence, then begin toning the corresponding tones following the Bi-Tri-Khu-Oha-Ra Sequence. Memorize the tone sequence of the 5 High - Veca Codes as if it were a 'song' and relax, close eyes and sing/tone this 'song' (Psonn) for 5 to 10 minutes. The longer you tone, the more frequency power you build within the body and the stronger your link will be to the Universal Christos - Trion Meajhe Field. This exercise can also be used with groups, either singula~y to create and amplify Christos - Trion - Meajhe Field links or just prior to beginning RRT work. Frequent and consistent use of these two exercises will progressively develop the spin-rate capacity of the personal Christos Merkaba Field, while expanding higher consciousness within the body and progressively enhancing the health, immunity and integrity of the Mind-Body-Spirit system.
This section will be expanded in the next few days.
Don’t forget to join the group chat!
Light & Sound fb messenger Group: You will be added to Group chat (fb) so that you can interact with other participants. Please reach out to Makiko if you have not seen your name on the designated group messenger. I will be directing people to the chatroom called Safe Room @RAYKI.