Shadow Healing Self-Study Package ($60, $45 for member)

Shadow Healing Self-Study Package

Welcome to Shadow Healing Class! Thank you for improving yourself.

When you are ready, please click the link below to start your Journey. To access the class material, simply follow the system prompt and provide me with your gmail email account. Based on the inputs from the previous participants, it is best to have a gmail account to access the files listed here.

If you feel comfortable to share your journey with shadow healing tribes, simply request me to join the fb messenger group. Everyone in this group has taken this class so you may accelerate your healing process greatly. And sometimes we need a buddy system when things get hard.

Thank you for healing yourself to help others.
Contact me if you have any issues/questions about this class.

  • Shadow Healing Homepage

  • Google Folder Link

Shadow Healing Level 1

Shadow Healing Self-Test

Spiritual Hygiene and Spiritual Science Series

Level 1 Package Page ( )

  1. Centering Physical Body - Youtube Link

  2. Opening The Sacred Space - Youtube Link

  3. Maharic (12D) Shield Protection Youtube LINK Audio (Quick Shield) Link

Level 2

  1. Clearing Space Securing “Online” Space Youtube Link

Spiritual Science Series


  1. Maharic Seal (or 12D Shield) Protection Sequence Youtube LINK Audio (Quick Shield) Link

  2. Astral Body Shield > YouTube Link

  3. Anti-EMF Meditation (disharmonic Scalar weapon, HAARP) Soundcloud Link

Classes ($44 Each) Folder

SSS 1 & 2 Folder

Health Class

  1. Foundation Part 1 (YouTube, Video)

  2. Foundation Part 2 (YouTube, Video)


  • Crystal Class - “Opening A Crystal Portal” Enhance psychic ability towards Crystal Collectives. Crystal Class > Presentation, Video, YouTube) & (Attunement-extra Video & YouTube). Recorded March28, 2021 & April 11, 2021 in NJ

    Dear Crystal Student,

    Welcome to Crystal Class! Here are some tips for you to optimize your learning experience. Let’s prepare your body, mind and spirit prior to the class! Please take these as suggestions and not rules that you must follow. Always, trust your inner guidance.

    • Avoid excess consumption of alcohol, caffeinated or high sugar drink 48 hours prior to class. If you have any GI issue, you may want to avoid consuming animal products (meats, egg, cheese, dairy products, etc.) at least 36 hours prior to class

    • Drink warm water, or herbal tea and get a good night sleep (avoid social gathering like a big party, all-night outing, etc.)

    Useful Items

    • Notebook & pens (coloring pencils are also great to have)

    • Crystal(s) of your choice

    • Water (or something to drink during the class). Any liquid matter will be charged together with your Crystals. So place your water bottles during the class to drink some later.

    • Blanket (a yoga mat is also a great idea), or extra clothing like sweater (please come with comfortable clothing – layered clothing is always a good choice). Many people experience temperature shifts and get cold during meditation.

    • Avoid having EMF generators near your body, such as a cell phone, laptop (some of them emit significant level of harmful EMF), charger, electronic appliances, etc. You may simply place a cell phone across the room, or move them away from your body. There are many tips and educations found on internet - study whenever you can without causing unnecessary fear/work to yourself.

    I am here for you to assist your spiritual journey. I look forward to being with you energetically, and love to hear your feedback.

    much love,


  • Students

    • Danyel Mira Brisk

    • Dave Farrow

    • Diane Ferrari

    • Ki Ra French

    • lindamauller

    • Lona Cornellier

    • NinaMarie Mercado

    • Cat Knecht

    • Pam Berkowitz

    • Natalie Grifford

Kundalini Vitality Series

  • Kundalini Series Youtube link HERE

  • Link to the movement

  • Presentation

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