History of Our Universe
focusing on Earth and Human History (Brief Version)
M31 Andromeda/Aquinos Galaxy & Milky Way /Procyak Phantom Galaxy
Overview provided by Guardian Alliance
References & Credits: ARhAyas.com, Voyagers Vol II, krysthl.org, Ascension Dictionary, Ascension Glossary, Energetic Synthesis, Angelic Humanity, emerald24.org, various Freedom Teaching Teachers/Artists/Bloggers
This content is NOT meant for the general PUBLIC consumption. This is need to know basis, sharing from me to my friends, my tribes, and my soul family
First, this is the story of “Fall”, fallen angels and really fallen angels. Relentless drama of loves wars and entanglements - seemingly hopeless endless story. If you still wish to proceed, this is the baseline for you. About 350 Billion Years Ago (BYA) our Milky Way galaxy fell from Andromeda (M31) galaxy. Procyus became Procyon. Procyak Matrix (Milky Way Galaxy) is formed with Procyak (Abaddon) at the black hole center. A piece of Procyak becomes 1) Procyon (in the Canis Minor system); A piece of Procyak becomes 2) Prolaris which then got reversed in Polaris (North Star) to plug us into the Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way. Sagittarius A is the fallen part of ObeYon (which is M31's KATHARA 8/Metagalactic Core)
Brief History of the Universes"-that started 950 billion years ago. The followings are recorded commentaries by Freedom Teaching teachers (extracted key portions for optimize the fit and flow of the topics above).
950BYA - Eieyani of the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields seeded a life wave into this matrix creating the 3 Breneau Rishi Founders races in Density 5. Now, we start at 950 BYA and that's when the Ecka Eieyani (Anuhazi)were seeded into the Ecka domains of this EtorA EckaVeca system. So, that's where we're starting this timeline. There's other stuff that was in existence way before that. But as far as what concerns us in this matrix and in the Tri-Matrix Cooperative, it is this particular history line.
480 BYA Borenthasala our parallel Eckasha witness the fall of their Density 1, 2 & 3. This is where we have the Borenthasala races of our parallel Eckasha. This is where they witnessed an organic fall and implosion of the Density 3 through Density 1 PKA Veca Quadrant within their EckaVeca system. Blinded by grief, the Borenthasala initiated the "Great 6-6-6-6 Quarantined Polarity Experiment.
"In an attempt to discover the root cause of de-evolution and improve upon the Eternal-Life Krist Code First-Creation program in order to Eradicate Fall Potential.”
The Ecka Borenthasala devised the original “Victim-Victimizer Game” Program. And it was a game program - a study game. And they seeded themselves into 3 Density - 4 Veca groups within the PCM Veca of their parallel Eckasha Ecka-Veca system, 2 groups taking on bi-Veca genetic distortion" - which means only two light cells the Vesica Pisces configuration as opposed to the natural Tauren configuration where you have the three light cells that form the core genetic template. So they took on bi-veca genetic distortions "to explore polarity extremes in competition" Because they realized that competition was at the core of fall-competition for energy-and they wanted to explore competition as a way to remedy this. The Bourgha and the Buddhara are enemies because the Bourgha were responsible for the fall of the Buddhara. The Buddhara tried to stop, they were a Kristiac race that tried to stop, on the AdorA side of our matrix. They tried to stop the Bourgha from creating a time rip into the AdorA side of our matrix and in that process of attempting to stop the Bourgha, they were taken down. They fell. And first they fell Kristiac status, and then when the Bourgha went, during another period of history, to create the E-Umbic time rip, that would go through the AdorA side into the EtorA side, which is over here, the Buddhara lost their Kristiac Fall status as well.
Well, that went very much out of control, so one control group remained so you have two going into extreme polarity. One group remained with the organic tri-veca genetic coding of the Krist pattern. They "intended to pull the polarity groups back out of mutation once the 4 evolutionary-6-cycles of the experiment were completed. The Borenthasala lost control of the experiment at the end of the 3rd 6-cycle, when one of the Polarity groups called the Bourgha MUsalA fell into extreme polarity disorientation, destroyed the competing Polarity group and developed a Time-Rip Technology by which they were able to break the space-time quarantine of the 'Great Experiment'" because they called this the 'Great Experiment.' "". they invaded their PCM Veca, and assimilating the Borenthasala control group." So they basically took out their adversaries in the game and then they took out the creators of the game and assimilated them into their matrix. "The fallen Bourgha MUsalA adopted a Prime Objective of advancing their Time-Rip Technology for use in assimilating all of creation into their Black-hole domain. Once freed from the quarantine of the 'Great Experiment' and set loose upon creation, the Bourgha MUsalA Time-Raider Teams renamed themselves the Bourgha-MUsala-AhLAma, meaning the Assimilators of the Bourgha-MUsaIA."
It started 450 BYA-yeah, that's when the Bourgha fell. That long ago they could have done this, the Aquareion Matrix could have intervened then. What it would have done however is because the Bourgha Matrix which is our parallel-in our parallel Eckasha-had already compromised our Eckasha matrix through the Ecka core and if they had put quarantine on the Bourgha matrix back then to stop them from going further, it would have created-they would have gone back into a space dust return spiral, but so would have our matrix way back then before any-none of us would be here in other words. But these experiments went wrong. They weren't experiments like laboratory, they were Kristiac interventions trying to upgrade a falling gene code. The Anunnaki's gene code here were falling completely and there were attempts to get back their Kristiac coding so they could still re-generate the ability to do natural ascension. So, when the Leviathan races were created, those attempted Bio-Regenesis attempts ...a lot of them failed and they became what were called the Leviathan force, which means they had part Angelic Human coding. That led up to the creation of the Homo-Sapien mess that we are walking around in now. That is not the Angelic Human form. It's partially Angelic Human. It's partially Anu. It's partially Drac. It's partially Dragon Lines and thankfully, it's partially Aquari lines from the hybridization attempts to regenerate the Angelic Human code here.
source: 12 Tribes Vol 1 (p172, p296)
Learning Tools
Galactic Recording 2 :: https://youtu.be/703WfbOzf2I From the start of our Universes 950 Billion Years Ago (BYA) to approx. V-V experiment occurred in 450 BYA
Galactic Recording 3 :: https://youtu.be/BX9Prr2hgw0 Founder Races, CDT plates, 250 BYA, Anunnaki races
Galactic Recording 3.5 :: https://youtu.be/bBw6AvNIQoo History of Anunnaki - Birth of Human Experiment t-1 (250 NYA)
Galactic Recording 4 Missing Human Seeding first on Parallel Earth - pre-Atlantic Cataclysm
Abbreviations and Terms
BYA (Billion Years Ago), MYA (Million Years Ago) DN (Density, consist of 3 dimensions), USG (Universal Star Gate) GSG (Galactic Star Gate) Eieyani (of Yanas) IAFW (interdimensional Association of Free Worlds) Ecka & Veca (Units of Cosmic Structure 1 Ecka = 4 Veca Universes; 1 Veca = 4 set of the 15 dimensional Time Matrices)* YHWH (Yah’-WE) GA-MCEO (Guardian Alliance/Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order); Kathara Light Map of all manifests see Kathara Page for more
Brief background before we dig into the history beyond what normally taught here. First we are multi-dimensional beings who live in the multi-dimensional Universe. Basically simply put, many reality fields stack on top of each other. When we talk about dimensions and densities, we can sum them up as lighter or denser fields. More lights one can hold, the higher the dimensions/densities one may experience. We live in the density-1 dimension 3 reality field. The higher dimension, let’s say 5-dimension, you are much lighter and more fluid in a sense. Things can be quickly compricated, so I minimize this part here but you can learn more in The mechanic of Manifested Things —> Kathara page.
You may explore multiverse concept through films
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse' (2018) ...
'Doctor Who' (2005—) ...
'Star Trek' (2009) ...
'Everything Everywhere All at Once' (2022) ...
'Sliding Doors' (1998) ...
'Loki' (2021—) ...
'Spider-Man: No Way Home' (2021) ...
'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' (2022)
Our Universe Our Body & All Things
We are in the Base 12 Plus 3 Trinity Universe (See Kathara Teaching)
Further reading >> Ergetic Synthesis | Ascension DIctionary
950 BYA (Billion Years Ago) Lifewave seeded, Emerald Covenant -
Our 15- Dimensional Time Matrix & Aquinos/M31-Andromeda Galaxy is born; DN-4 Aramatena USG-12 Divine Blueprint-Lyra, AQUINOS/M31-ANDROMEDA GALAXY is born.
Our Founder Races, Eieyani of the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields seeded a life wave into this matrix creating the 3 Breneau Rishi Founders races in Density (DN-5)
Anuhazi Race seeded (Anuhazi translates to "Before Anu")
15 Dimensional Time Matrix - Structure of Our Universe and Beyond
Introducing the Universal Tree of Life or Kathara Grid here so that we can orient ourselves better as story goes on. This structure is known as the first and the original manifestation template - directly connect to the eternal free energy source, AKA God Source.
Founders of All Life Fields
There are three main energy families invested in the life creation here in this Universal Time Matrix.
The Emerald Order Breneau
created Elohei-Elohim, Feline Hominid on Lyra-Aramatena housed USG12 (included the Anuhazi)
The Gold Order Breneau
ceated the Serephei-Seraphim Avian-Insect-Reptile on Lyra-Vega housed USG10 (included the Cerez)
The Amethyst Order Breneau
created the Bra-ha-Rama Cetacean-Aquatic Ape Pegasus on Lyra-Aveyon housed USG11 (included Pegasai & Inyu)
Threefold Founder Flame
Image by Angelic Humanity
The Cosmic Trinity. There are Three Original Primal Order Sound Light Fields that make up the Ray Aspects of our entire creation in the Universal Time Matrix. Collectively these are also referred to as the Founders and the Threefold Flame that make up the GSF Triad. The Threefold Founder Flame gestalt of the Cosmic Trinity and Universal Trinity is called the Guardian Host.
The Three Universal Founder Rays, Blue Ray Mother Arc, Violet-Magenta Ray Father Arc, Golden Ray Sun of Christos. ONE BLUE FLAME 13D, ONE GOLD FLAME 14D, ONE VIOLET FLAME 15D. Together they are the Threefold Founder Flame that manifested creation into our Universal Time Matrix. The Universal Trinity.
Universal Time Matrix A Time Matrix is a map of all of the Timelines in which the consciousness moves that are simultaneously taking place within the entire time matrix, it is the mathematical program by which consciousness experiences time and matter. The Cosmic structure contains six 15 dimensional Universal time matrices for the purpose of consciousness individualization into dimensionalization, in order to experience the perception of time, and to which are collectively referred to as the Time Matrix.
The Oraphim are the Double Diamond Sun Body of the Christos that are here on planet to direct the Threefold Founder Frequencies to repair the architecture of the planetary grid, as well as communicate with the Aurora for the Aurora Krystal Matrix Re-Encryption of Elemental Body projects with the Master Christos Collective, a consortium of beings that are from the Seven Higher Heavens realms.
Emerald Covenant and CDT Plates
Energetic Synthesis
Previous to the Atlantian Cataclysm, each of the groups of the angelic human 12 Essene Tribes were entrusted as Guardians of a section of the Emerald Founder Records, which held extensive consciousness knowledge about the star origins and genetic template information that was recorded on 12 holographic discs. These discs contained Ancient Builder Technology templates, complex math for building complex architecture for levels of structural planning for physical communities, as well as for writing code for projecting holographic realities. The result of these extremely advanced building methods can be recognized in some of the remaining ancient civilizations architecture that is completely ignored by mainstream archeology today. These advanced civilizations had access to the holographic discs that held the blueprints for Ancient Builder Technologies that were in existence before the Atlantian Flood. The discs included transmissions of advanced quantum physics knowledge outlining specific blueprints for morphogenesis of species, as well as mapping out the planetary stargate access coordinates. They also included humanity’s cosmic genetic origins and history, ascension and timeline mechanics, consciousness alchemy formulas and DNA genetic key codes, that corresponded to that particular tribes planetary stargate mission.
CDT Plates
Pre-Atlantian Holographic Discs with knowledge of creation mechanics and history created by the Founder Races in 246,000 BC as part of a reinstatement of the Emerald Covenant
Cloister -> Melchizedek Cloister
Dora refers to DN2
Teura refers to DN3
The CDT-Plates are holographic recordings, storage and transmission devices that holds massive amounts of data in encrypted, electromagnetic scalar-standing-wave form. See more details in the bottom of this page (more about CDT plates)
KRYTHRL.org & Freedom Teaching
Emerald Covenant
1st God World Creation Founder Races, Emerald Order, Amethyst Order, Gold Order
Unify the Earth race lines through Spiritual healing and freedom to enter IFWC (Interdimensional Free World Councils)
Supporting Oraphim-Indigo grail lines to awaken and evolve into Diamond Sun
Support all humanity to regenerate DNA towards Diamond Sun (Gold Sun)
Educate hidden history, founder records, Law of One CDT plates, bio-regenesis
Allow Free Will choice on what agendas humanity follows
Uphold Egalitarianism, freedom, reverence for life, unconditional love, respect, natural laws.
Energetic Synthesis
*…BYA Wesedak Black Hole System falls from WeSaLA Matrix re: Appolyon Races
480 BYA - 450 BYA Our Parallel Eckasha falls to Bourgha Black Hole
480 BYA Borenthasala witness the fall of their DNs 1, 2 & 3 | Borenthasala decide to create an experiment designed to improve the KRYST (the 6-6-6-6 Victim-Victimizer experiment)
450 BYA Bourgha Musala race break quarantine on the experiment by inventing Time Rip/Threshold technology to create unstable wormholes.
Borenthasala Ecka-Veca falls | Aquari decide not to quarantine
AdonA & EyanA founders races develop Gyrodome technology to rehabilitate the fallen Borenthasala Matrix but decide not to use it
Plan for Aqualene Transmission is devised which would eventually lead to the Aquareion race line
E-Umbi Time rip happens at the Ecka-Veca level see more details >> krysthl.org
450 BYA Tri-Matrix KRYSTHL River Host Cooperative is formed
Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host Mission
Time-Rip Raders - Where did they come from?
Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host Cooperative - A large collective of Krystic and Adashi Ascended beings from
(1) the Aquareion Parallel-Adjacent-Eckasha,
(2) WesaLA Adjacent-Eckasha and
(3) the AdonA-EyanA Founders races of our Eckasha system
formed this "Krystic intervention Team Cooperative" 450 BYA for the purpose of protecting the organic Life-field and Eternal-Life Ascension potential of these 3 neighboring Eckasha-Matrix systems from being "assimilated, entrapped and eventually destroyed" by the fallen Borenthasala/Bourgha-MUsala-AhLAma Time-Raider Races, who caused the Black-hole fall of their entire Ecka-Veca system in the Parallel Eckasha 480 BYA, and launched a crusade to "entrap and assimilate" All Life Everywhere.
The fallen Bourgha races caused fall of their Ecka-Veca through their "Great 6-6-6-6 Quarantined Polarity Experiment and its inherent "Victim-Victimizer (V-V) Game," which they engaged in an attempt to discover the "root cause of consciousness de-evolution into fall," in hope of "Eradicating fall potential; they lost control of their experiment and fell into extreme polarity disorientation and violence, and created a "Time-Rip Technology that allowed them to break free from the localized quarantine of their "Great Experiment" to launch their conquest of "Absorbing and Assimilating All Life Everywhere ."
The Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host Cooperative of 450 BYA developed the Krystic Gyrodome Technology and the Aqualene transmission Krystic evolutionary option, to protect the Krystic evolution and Ascension Potential of the organic life-field in the 3 neighboring Matrices by eventually "Sealing the Bourgha Time-Rip" and reestablishing quarantine on the fallen Bourgha Black-hole system. The Founding High-Councils of the Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host Cooperative are a collective of Eternal-Life-Adashi-Adept race lines from the Parallel-Adjacent Eckasha Aquareion Matrix, the AquafarE of the Edon-Middle-Domains, their Aquious lnner-Hub-Domain collectives, and the Aquari original-humanid-Angelic Human-prototype Kryst-Guardian race originally of the Aquareion Matrix Outer-Domain race that the AquafarE and Aquious races co-created.
All Founding Councils and members of the Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host Cooperative work in Krystic Service to the Highest Eternal-Life Evolutionary Potentials for All Life Everywhere, under the Eternal Guidance of the Mashaya-hana Master Councils and related Krystar-Ascended Adashi-Adepts of the 3-domain Adashi-Return Cycles.
The Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host Cooperative and their Adashi-Adept Krystar Master Councils continue to be the "guiding force" and "active orchestrators and facilitators" of the Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host, and its "Step-Down Projects" such as the "550 MYA Amenti Rescue Mission." All GA-MCEO (Guardian Alliance/Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order) and IAFW (interdimensional Association of Free Worlds) organizations, as well as many other KRYST Service organizations, are direct, active members and representatives of the Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host Cooperative.
Borenthasala V-V Experiments
480 BYA The Borenthasala races of the Ecka in our Parallel Eckasha witnessed organic fall and implosion of the Density 3 - Density 1 Veca quadrant within their Ecka-Veca systems; blinded by grief, the Borenthasala initiate the “Great 6666 Quarantine Polarity Experiment,” in attempt to “Discover the root cause of de-evolution” and improve upon the “Eternal-Life-Krist-Code First Creation Program” in order to Eradicate Fall Potential.
The Ecka Borenthasala devised the original “V-V Game Program” (Victim-Victimizer) - and seeded themselves into 3 Density-4 groups within the PCM Veca of their Parallel Eckasha Ecka-Veca Systems, 2 groups taking on Bi-Veca genetic-distortion to explore polarity extremes in competition, one “control” group remaining with original Tri-Veca-genetic-coding intended to “pull the polarity group back out of mutation” once the 4 Evolutionary 6 cycles of the experiment were completed.
The Borenthasala lost control of the experiment at the end of the 3rd 6-Cycle, when one of the Polarity groups called the Bourgha MUsalA fell into extreme polarity disorientation, destroyed the competing Polarity group and developed a TIME-Rip Technology by which they were able to break into the space-time quarantine of the Great Experiment invading their PCM Veca, and “assimilating the Borenthasla control group.”
The fallen Bourgha MUsalA adopted a “PRIME OBJECTIVE” of advancing their TIME-Rip technology for use in “Assimilating ALL of Creation” into their blackhole Domain. Once freed from the quarantine of the Great Experiment and “set loose” upon creation, the Bourgha MUsalA “TIME-RAIDER TEAMS” renamed themselves the Bourgha-MUsala-AhLAma,” meaning the assimilators of the Bourgha-MUsalA.
450 BYA The fallen Bourgha-MUsala-AhLAma further developed their “TIME-Rip Technology culminating in blackhole-fall of the Parallel Eckasha’s entire Ecka and Veca systems and formulating an unnatural, unstable TIME Rip of the Parallel Eckasha of the Kristiac Ecka of the AdorA side of our Eckasha.
350 BYA - Fall of Procyus
The fall of Procyus Star (becoming Procyon) in Aquinox/M31 Andromeda creates the Milky Way
The fall is due to attacks by Appolyon-Wesedak races.
Fallen part of M31 Procyus star became Procyak-Abbadon, the 1st Black-Hole Seed Star. Procyak Matrix (Milky Way Galaxy) is formed with Procyak (Abaddon) at the black hole center
noticed, now our galaxy is referred to as The Phantom Milky Way Galaxy Black-Hole system.
A piece of Procyak (fallen-Procyus) becomes Procyon (in the Canis Minor system)
A piece of Procyak becomes Prolaris which then got reversed in Polaris (North Star = Gaia DN-3) to plug us into the Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way
Sagittarius A is the fallen part of OberYon (fallen star, ObeYon) (which is M31's Kathara 8/Metagalactic Core = our Galactic Center
PROCYAK-MILKY WAY PHANTOM GALAXY is born via splitting of Aquinos/M31 Andromeda galactic plasma template
Polaris from Hubble
Original and Fallen
M31 Pro-cyus —> Procyak | Procyak-Abbadon (350 BYA)
M31 Pro-cyus —> Prolaris —-> Polaris (North Star)
ObeYon —-> OberYon (350 BYA)
250 BYA - Fall of Aramatena-Lyra from K12-Aquinos/M31 Andromeda Galaxy to Procyak/Milky Way Phantom Black-Hole Galaxy
Bourgha EUby time raiders infiltrate DN3 Belletrix & DN4 Lyra-Vega
Anyu race rebel against the Founders and become Annu-Elohim
Anyu race petition Founder races of D-12 Lyra-Aramatena for them to destroy the Fallen Seraphim of D10 Lyra-Vega
resulted in the "double-double" -- the split of USG12 Lyra Aramatena
USG 12 (Lyra Aramatena) is attacked by the Anyu race of D-11 and destroyed
Yanas appoint DN 5 Melchizedek Cloister Eieyani Master Council members/collective as Administrative Council for Azurites (would incarnate first through Sirius B and then as Indigo Type 1s)
Phantom Matrix created (11 Dimension black hole sub-time system)
Restatement of the Emerald Covenant
Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds (IAFW) is formed
The IAFW seeds the first "Grail Line" in fully evolved form in all four Densities at USG locations
Lyran-Elohim Wars would later become the Angelic Wars 250 BYA - 570 MYA
The Orginal Sin
The Fallen Angelic Anyu Race that later became the Fallen Annu-Elohim, are the Initiators of the ORIGINAL SIN 250 BYA (Destruction of USG-12, in Lyra Aramatena )
Trapping innocent beings within 11.5 dimensions, in time. Forefathers of the Sirian-Anunnaki, intentionally traded in their original genetic capacity to hold natural minimum 12-Strand DNA Template “Christos Potential,” characteristic of the Christos Founders Races, for a digressive 11-Strand DNA Template Mutation. Through removing the 12th DNA Strand Template form their genetic blueprint, the Annu-Elohim successfully blocked Enlightened Beings, the DN-5 Breneau Founders races, from incarnating into their race line, so they were free to create a legion of self-contained Fallen Angelic dominion forces within or Time Matrix. Their intention was, and continues to be, oppressive, exploiting dominion of our Time Matrix and its lifefields, and the operational control over the 12 Primary Star Gates of the Universal Templar Complex in our Time Matrix.
Later (~568MYA) the Annu-Elohim created a race called the Anunnaki (who only have 11-Strands DNA template) in reaction to the Founder Races that, in alignment with Source, created the Human Angelic Race lines to protect this Time Matrix. Certain Anunnaki race lines and certain world leaders are Dimension 11 Dark Avatar Incarnates. MCEO FREEDOM TEACHINGS
More about Original Sin —> “Humans are brainwashed to believe in original sin and that degenerate behaviors as sourcing from humans, when non-humans are explicitly involved. Why would any sane human seek to create destructive images of killing its own species and having sex with its own children as an art form? The answer is, those behind this agenda to make humans suffer are not human. As humans continue to carry out the death culture belief system to justify the hatred that accepts the killing, victimization and exploitation of other humans, these satanic forces infiltrate and control more of the people of the earth, especially those in positions of power.” Death Culture
The Phantom Definition
The term Phantom refers to the state of a Planet, Galaxy, Universe, etc. - or the part of it - which have become Descending, that is, unable to evolve out of the Time Matrix.
It runs reverse time/frequencies
Phantom Matrix was created during the Lyrian-Elohim wars 250 BYA. The wars started over territories in the constellation of Lyra (The Cradle of Lyra) between the Annu-Elohim (Guardians of USG 11) and the Omicron Draconian (Guardians of USG 10) who were both suffering code convolution. After much warring, the Annu-Elohim petitioned High Counsil, the Elohei-Elohim (Christos Founders Races Guardians of USG 12) for the destruction of the Omicron-Draconian Races. When High Counsil recommended both races undergo a healing experiment for their races, the Annu-Elohim, threatened High Council with an Ultimatum - destroy the Omicron-Draconians or the Anu-Elohim would Destroy High council along with USG 12, and takeover the Time Matrix - a direct violation of the Emerald covenant. When the Elohei-Elohim did not comply, the Anu-Elohim destroyed USG 12, creating a black hole in which the consciousness of many innocent races became trapped.
Consequently, in order to save the trapped races and assist them in re-evolving out of the black hole, the Founder Races installed a refraction lens at the 11.5 dimensional level called "The Eye of Brahama". This merciful installment, allowed living life force currents from our Time Matrix, to be refracted into the black hole, and over millions of years, would cause the black hole to gain a Kathara Grid structure, from which the fallen consciousness could re-evolve. Due to consistent manipulation by the Fallen Anu-Elohim, the races of Phantom Matrix increasingly failed to re-evolve out of the Phantom black hole system, and instead, became a parasitic attachment to our Living Matrix.
150 BYA - Fall of Metatron & WEsaDrak
Host Mission of Metatron Collective Fails -> Fall of Metatron, “Eye of YHWH” Y=yod, H-hA’, W=Vod, H=hA’ ; also known as “Yah’-WE created. YHWH Black-Hole/Arimathea-Lyra Worm-Hole Matrix connection to Procyak-Abbadon forms the YHWH Arimathea-Lyra Warm-Hole Matrix initiates formation of the “Black Cube Matrix” within the Procyak/Milky Way Phantom Galaxy Black-Hole Procya-Abbadon Core
BLACK CUBE MATRIX begins to form in Procyak/Milky Way Phantom Galaxy Black-Hole core via YHWH-Arimathea Worm-Hole
WEsaLA matrix partially falls creating WEsaDak & WEsaDrak
Shadow Dancer races created
Eye of Metatron installed
Arimathaea wormhole (framework) built
SHADOW DANCERS @Angelic Humanity
….BYA Lyran Wars-1 Eye of Brahman Host Fall
Lyra-Aramatea falls to YHWH Black-Hole/Arimathea-Lyra Worm-Hole Matrix connection to Procyak-Abbadon, DN-4 Procyak/Milky Way Phantom Black-Hole Galaxy
Yahweh Matrix
Multiple MYA the host mission of the Metatronic Family was to help repair the parts of the time matrix, that fell into separation in the Milky Way that were originally from Andromeda. This destruction was the result of the Lyran Wars, the seed of the anti-Christ conflict.
Lyra was the 12th Gate and source of Krystal consciousness that connected directly into the Andromeda Galaxy. When Lyra fell its higher pieces that were connected to the natural trinity wave Krystal codes, the Eternal Living Light Architecture, became reversed and locked into the Milky Way System. As a result, over time it became increasingly distorted and the Metatron Collective attempted to retrieve and repair this 12th Stargate but unfortunately, they failed.
As a result of the Metatron Collective being unable to salvage the 12th Stargate, they were absorbed into the artificial intelligence system formed by the black hole entities, and they eventually digressed into the Yahweh (YHWH) System.
The YHWH system is connected into the Metagalactic Core holding the Black Cube Matrix that is linked into Saturn, that is siphoning life force from our Universal Time Matrix and routing it back into their Black Hole System.
The YHWH System leads back into the black hole system from a black star located in the center of our Milky Way Galaxy called Abaddon. The Yahweh Collective took over the Four Cardinal Directions, or what we call the Divine Infinite Calculus that makes up the Cosmic Clock in our Universe. They used the YHWH System to take over the Guardians of the 12 Pillars and the Krystal Cathedral Architecture, blocking communication with Krystic races
Lisa Renee, Guardian Alliance Contactee
137 BYA Fall of Equari
The Equari fell trying to assist the fallen Anu from this Eckasha Matrix. This led to a such an enraged hatred of the Anu (and actually all metatroniced races) that the most affected of the Equari came/stayed here intent to destroy the Anu and all Metatroniced peoples.
The Equari crossed over/stayed by hybridizing with the Omicron Draconian and the Odeticron Reptilian race lines.
The Equari became the Dragon Lines here.
Fallen Equari hybridize with fallen Seraphim in our EtorA system. White Dragon race formed
White Dragon race splits forming Red & Green Dragon lines (130-120 BYA)
112- 2 BYA Tri-Matrix Dragon Wars - an attempt to assimilate our Eckasha
~ 112 BYA BeaST Machine is developed. BeaST (BST) is a Blackhole Technology based on Crystalline-Scalar-Mechanics ; can erase portion of Timeline to manipulate the histories.
100 BYA - Bhendi Races formed - Bhendi Gold Dragon Race lines formed
~ BYA Polarian Wars-1
Procyan-Canis Minor, DN-3 Procyak/Milky Way Phantom Black Hole Galaxy
1st Fall of Procyon to reversed encryption Polaris/Gaia “North Star” in Procyak/Milky Way Phantom Black-Hole Galaxy DN-3
13.8 BYA Contemporary science theorized that the "big bang" occurred ~ 13.8 billion years ago
4.5 BYA Taran Wars-1
…BYA Polarian Wars-1
4.6 BYA Alcyone (our Sun) created as part of a Fall
Alcyone-Pleiades, DN-2 Procyak/Milky Way Phantom Black-Hole Galaxy
Our Sun 1st formed as a fragment of Alcyone-Pleiade in the DN-2 Taran Wars-1 Period (4.6 BYA) before the fall of Tara (550MYA)
Our Solar System was originally formed in DN-2 ; Earth holds one of 12 seed-fragments of DN-2 Tara/Alcyone-Pleiades (other 11 planets hold the rest)
700 MYA (Million Years Ago) - M31/Andromeda/Aquinos quarantined
Partial fall of USG7 Arcturus, USG8 Mintauka Orion & USG9 Mirack Andromeda
Part of M31/Andromeda/Aquinos is pulled out of the fall and quarantined (by the Aquarian races)
570 MYA Angelic wars end, Gaian/Polaris-Orion wars on DN-3
Wesadak & Wesadrak Black Hole Matrices (fallen from WEsaLA Matrix) engage fallen Metatron’s YHWH Arimathea-Lyra Worm-Hole Matrix, connecting the Arimathzeus & Arimathaea Worm-holes in the Procyak/Milky Way Phantom Galaxy to the large WEsaBlack-Hole system, expanding the “ Black Cube Matrix” Death-Star-Merkaba Aritficial Creation System within the Procyal-Abbadon Core of the Procyak/Milky Way Phantom Glaxy Black-Hole. BLACK CUBE MATRIX EXPANDS VIA WEsa Black-Hole Links
Jehovian Anu races hybridize with Fallen Budhara
The Ceres of Tara create the Priesthood of Mu (on Tara). The Council of Mu move their populations off the (Taran) Alanian continent
Gaian-Orion wars (570-550 MYA)
Metatronic NET installed in this Matrix. Metatron collective makes a deal with Wesadak to use the Eye of Metatron to create a wormhole (Path of Arimathaea)
Oraphim Angelic Human race is created. Seeded in DN 2 - 4 —> Gaia in DN3, on Tara in DN2 and several other systems (568 MYA)
Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic create Anunnaki (568 MYA)
IAFW creates the Guardian Alliance as Crisis Intervention Team and to oversee the creation and Evolution of Angelic Humans
Yanas instruct Eieyani to install the Emerald Ecka Override System (EEOS) in key control areas of Universal, Galactic and planetary templars. Emerald Covenant Races repair Star Gates 11 & 12 in this matrix
Our Original Galactic Light Map with History of Wars
Source unknown; shown in various ascension-related websites
The Anunnaki lineage was created specifically as a vehicle through which the D-11 Fallen Annu-Elohim could incarnate directly into Densities 1, 2 and 3, in order to destroy the Guardian Angelic Oraphin and Azurite Eieyani genetic lines, to further their continuing agenda of exploitation and dominion of our Time Matrix. For many millions of years, Emerald Covenant races have attempted to cultivate peaceful co-evolution between the Human and Anunnaki races in order to assist both species in fulfilling their original potential of becoming "Christed" (able to achieve ascension and perpetual life expression) races. At various periods in our shared history, many Anunnaki races chose to reclaim their Christiac potentials through entering the Founder's Emerald Covenant to receive the DNA Template Bio-Regenesis (regeneration) that would allow their vision of freedom from the anti-Christiac control of the Fallen Annu-Elohim collective to be actualized.
The Anunnaki were originally created by and through a self-proclaimed anti-Christic Fallen Angelic collective called the Annu-Elohim. The Fallen Annu-Elohim aquatic-ape-cetacean collective took an anti-Christiac stance against their Elohei-Elohim feline-hominid Human Christos Founders kin 250 billion years ago which resulted in the destruction of Universal Stargate 12.
The Annu-Elohim created the Anunnaki races about 568 million years ago in reaction to creation of the Elohei-Elohim Angelic Human Guardian race; the Anunnaki were created with the intention of their race serving as the vessel through which the Christiac Angelic Human race would be destroyed to provide the Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic totalitarian collective with exploitative dominion over 11 dimensions of our Time Matrix.
The Anunnaki race Identity includes a variety of different interstellar races, all of which have one thing in common; they were originally created by the Anti-Christiac Fallen Annu-Elohim. Anunanki means “THE AVENGERS OF ANNU,” the original Fallen Lyran hybrid Founders Race from D-11 Lyra-Aveyon.
Angelic Humanity
From Ancient scriptures these are a race of extraterrestrials from a planet called Nibiru, they are being depicted as gods or deities in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. From our energetic work we can see them as part of the Negative Alien forces that have manipulated the human race for the last thousands of years and are still working on their negative agendas for human enslavement through Mind Control. They have their main control center in UK and are controlling many Planetary Grid Networks on earth including the NRG. The Annunaki are a Root Race that formed from the Sirian constellation evolution cycles and are a result of the Reptilian hybridization with the Sirians, as such, Sirian's have a genetic history and Karmic relationship to the Anu and many feel a responsibility to heal the Annunaki manipulation and False King of Tyranny control over the earth.
Annunaki are majorly involved with the Drac's (Orion Group)in the cooperative control over earthly affairs, and their respective groups have made agreements on their jurisdiction and the demographic areas of where they exert control over the earth grid system. Jehovian Annunaki are responsible for promoting and transmitting fundamental religious mind control through Armageddon Software, and use SRA methods to reinforce religious violence, Patriarchal Domination and Misogyny throughout the human masses.
They were instrumental in establishing an Intruder Resistance, known as the NAA to invite more Negative Aliens groups to "stake their claim" over the human population, with the promise that humans could be bartered for slavery or taken to their planets as workers at some time at the end of the Ascension Cycle. This NAA was established in order to more effectively take over the earth and share in the spoils of war to help exert control over the increasing population of humans on the earth and Astral Plane. These two groups do not always get along in their agreements with how to influence world affairs and control human evolution, and there is infighting in between sub groups that are competing for control over the earth. Annunaki entities are extradimensional shape-shifting consciousness, that project their consciousness into the type of body they wish to control in the domain they enter, or that has been designed as a Biological Drone or body that is specific to their functions, role, and rank in their society. The Annunaki entities that have the highest ranks in their hierarchical society, have the access to the most elite forms of genetically engineered bodies, while those lower in rank have bodies that perform less functions, and are limited to the functions of their position. Hence, it is especially the lower ranking Annunaki that covet human bodies for their variety in physical functioning. They are known to take a variety of body shapes and biological forms via consciousness projection between bodies.
Energetic Synthesis
560 MYA Turanuesiam 1 race created
Turaneusiam-1 Angelic Humans are created as a "Master race" to server as Guardians seeded in Densities 2-3, Tara, Sirus B
Bra-ha-man, Dhr-ah-men, Atoni, Trin-i-ten, Azurtan, Celtos, Addami, Yutarans, Luri, Cerrasz, Nezack-tai and Melchizedakz make up the 12 sub-racial divisions of the T-1 experiment
12 DNA Matrix
12 Strand Diamond Sun Angelic Human Blueprint
12 Strands of DNA, The Christos Pattern
The original human DNA pattern is arranged into 12 dimensionalized mathematical programs, each of which set the Blueprint forone DNA Strand.
Each strand is composed of 12 base magnetic (Mion) female codes, and 12 base-electrical (Dion) male acceleration Codes. The 12 Base Codes and 12 Acceleration Codes hold the mathematical program for each Double-Helix strand, which combine to form a set of 12 Vector Codes. One Base Code plus one Acceleration Code is equal to one Vector Code. Original human genetic imprint designed to manifest 12 strings of DNA which would allow for inter-dimensional travel and existence without deterioration of the biological form. It must be repaired, built or activated.
The original angelic human 12 Strand DNA is called the Diamond Sun DNA. The Oraphim original prototype for angelic humans that was created by the Founders has a 24 Strand DNA and is called the Double Diamond Sun Body DNA. Further there is a 48 Strand DNA Founder race line called the Emerald Sun DNA. See Threefold Founder Flame or Emerald Order.It is important to be aware that there is always support given for DNA rehabilitation programs for achieving Ascension, in that fallen entities, such as the Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics can choose to clear their DNA distortions and cellular alphabet scrambling that run metatronic and anti-life reversals. An incredible amount of resources and effort has been made by the Guardian Host to assist fallen and digressive DNA lines to rehabilitate their genetics through rehabilitation and regenesis programs. ~Lisa Renee, Guardian Alliance Contactee~
550 MYA Tara partially blown up and implanted into our solar system > Taran (Alcyone-Pleiades)/Sirian Wars on DN-2
Tara/Alcyone-Pleiades/Sirius A DN-2 Tara/Alcyone-Pleiades falls & fragments into DN-1
Sirians, Pleiadians, Ur-Tarranates, Elohim, Lyrans, Ceres, Lumians and Alanians become known collectively as Palaidorians
Amenti Host mission -> Aurora Field set into Earth Templar creating potential for Earth to blend with Urtha; Fallen fragments of Tara are implanted into the organic Universal Stargates of Sala-4 and Urtha-3 (and each planet in our solar system)
Energetic Synthesis
The name Tara has been used to describe the future earth in its 5D form in the Soul Matrix Universe. Our planet Earth exists in three main formed identities in this Universal Time Matrix. The Earth originally came from Tara which was a planet in the second Harmonic Universe that exploded and then imploded into a black hole, some of the fragments were pulled into the lower dimensions and became our planet and Solar System. Organic and naturally evolving Solar Systems that remain connected to the Center Point of All Union generally include 12 planets, including the Sun or Solar body. In the Earth's Solar System, mainstream scientists have not recognized Nibiru and the planet Maldek which exploded a long time ago into the asteroid belt.
3D Earth is called Earth or Terra, 5D Earth is Called Tara and 7D earth is called Gaia. Different E.T. Races and extra dimensionals may call these future Earths by different names based on their language. (Such as Urantia) They are all planet Earth at different stages of evolution in the Timelines.
Tara and Tiamat aspects were companions in a Binary Star system in the higher dimensions. Binary Star Systems are common for ascending planets with advanced races. Tiamats explosion and destruction in the 5D universe, along with the planetary cataclysm of Tara, is the reason our planet earth descended and has an artificial satellite which is the Moon.
The 5D Earth Planet Tara was a sister planet to another 5D planet known as Tiamat of which her bodily remnants are located in the 5D Universe as the asteroid belt that is between the planet bodies known as Mars and Jupiter. The planet Maldek is the counterpart of the bodily remnants of Tiamat in the 3D Universe of which the asteroid belt exists between Mars and Jupiter. This means that the asteroid belt we see in the 3D Universe is Maldek's exploded planet, and the asteroid belt in the 5D Universe is Tiamat's exploded planetary body.
5D Tara (partially blown up)- 5D Tiamat (the portion of Tara that had been reversed) asteroid belt
3D Earth - 3D Maldek (Exploded planet)
The Asteroid Belt with its comets move in a retrograde orbit, as does Nibiru. The Asteroid Belt has remained in the approximate place in the solar system as the former planet, Tiamat in 5D, and Maldek in 3D.
Tiamat was essentially the Taran 5D earth body Twin planet, and her consciousness was captured into Phantom Matrix and tethered to the Niburu planet trajectory in order to stabilize its orbit in our 3D Solar System. This Annunaki alien architecture between Tiamat and Nibiru is called Wormwood, which is used as an ET Outpost and its main structure is attached to planet Earth in the 11th Stargate NET in the United Kingdom, Stonehenge area. Nibiru is also called Marduk by the ancient Babylonians.
The Ascension Cycle transpiring on 3D Earth gives us the opportunity to reclaim these 5D fragments and consciousness pieces that were exploded and damaged in these cataclysms and Extradimensional wars.
Covernant of Palaidor & Amenti Rescue Mission engage —> forming our SOL Sun & original 12-seed fragment planets of our SOL Solar System in DN-1 of the Procyak/Milky Way Phantom Galaxy Black-Hole System.
Fall of TARA (AMENTI Rescue Mission Failed)
The Halls of Amenti (Amenti Project)
The Covenant of Palaidor came to Earth about 550 MYA. By applying Keylontic sacred spiritual science the Palaidorians turned their bodies into one pure energy field of consciousness. This served as the morphogenetic field prototype for the Tara 12 strand DNA (also called Turanusiam 12 strand DNA). There were also Keylontic Time codes within this morphogenetic field. These allow the lost pieces of the soul to be reassembled. This took on a Sphere shape and is known as the Sphere of Amenti.
This race then set up a interdimensional time portal within the Sphere of Amenti between Earth’s core in d2 and Tara’s core in d5. 25 million years later another 5 portals were created. This area has many names: the Sphere of Amenti, the Halls of Amenti (referring to the 6 portals), the Staff of Amenti (the blue flame), and many others. All planets in our solar system have a set up like this, they are named different things based on the grid fragments they contain.
Within the Sphere of Amenti is a blue flame. This is the fragment piece of Tara’s grid. It is made of 4th and 5th dimensional standing wave frequencies. These appear as an electric blue flame.
In short the Sphere of Amenti is the key to individual and planetary ascension. It is the key to evolution on this planet.
You may explore this idea further by visiting emerald24.org
446 MYA Mass extinction event
375 MYA Dinosaurs seeded on Earth
364 MYA Mass extinction event
250 MYA - Parallel Earth Human Seeding 1 (AKA Turaneusiam 2) plus 5 Palaidorian Cloister
1st Etheric Turaneusiam-2 Angelic Human 5 Cloister Races seeded & evolve on DN-1 Earth & Parallel Earth (less dense)
Fallen Anyu become Fallen Angelics
Galactic Wars DN-1 The orbital Plane of our DN-1 SOL Solar System begins TILT as it becomes magnetically entrained to the Black Cube Matrix Death Star Merkaba Artificial Creation System within the Procyak-Abbadon Core of the Procyak/Milky Way Phantom Galaxy Black-Hole. Begins Sextant Clock Mutation & Toral Rift space-time distortion field in our Solar System.
200 MYA (also 253 MYA was mentioned as Mass extinction event)
Mass extinction event; also called the "TJ Event"
75 MYA - 65 MYA
Thetans raid Earth and construct Mecca complex
The First Stand of Aurora
Mass extinction event- 66 MYA
Mass Extinction Event (also called the "KT Event") - 65 MYA
Crust Offset to forcibly shift planetary plates executed by fallen forces to begin the caduceus alignment
Dinosaurs become extinct - 65 MYA
25 MYA - 5 Human 5 Palaidorian Cloisters seeded on Earth (AKA Turaneusiam 2 | 12 Tribes) Seeding 1 on this Earth (see 250 MYA seeding started on Parallel)
Angelic Humans (Turaneusiam-2) seeded here on this Earth ( Seeding 1 ) & Ur-Tarranate Cloister seeded on Parallel Earth (seeded in this Veca; start 12 Tribes Races; 5 Cloister & 7 Root Races
Halls of Amenti Star-Gater System created on DN-1 Earth
5.5 MYA Electric Wars, Seeding 1 Destroyed, Wall in Time Toral Rift & Sextant Clock Distortions expands on Earth-Galactic & Local Solar System
Angelic Human (Turanesium-2) Seeding 1 on this Earth was destroyed by the Electric Wars
Contrasting The Axis Alignement —> Auinos vs Phantom Galaxy
Notice that our planet Earth at Gate 3 is the anchoirng point for both
This world becomes entangled in the Phantom/Black hole system. There was a hole ripped in the planetary templates and part of this world's quantum got sucked into the black hole matrix creating "Phantom Earth"
Metatronic Death-Star Merkaba Vesica-Fall-Fold inititate from Procyak-Abbadon Core of this Galaxy (Procyak/Milky Way Phantom Galaxy)
Fermi Bubbles Gamma Radiation Harness Fields first emerge from Black-Hole Core of this galaxy & begin to grow during Electric Wars
Sphere of Amenti moved to the 4th Dimension; 4th Dimensional frequency block results from moving the Sphere of Amenti
Founders create the "Wall in Time" Frequency Fence (quarantine field) which has the effect of creating Phantom Earth
Earth experienced erratic weather and a slow, partial pole reversal and tilt
Final and sudden shift in Earth grids caused an Ice Age
Passage of Rama (Temple of Rama), sacred site constructed to preserve the Earth as Ascension planet (site now known as Taj Mahal)
4.5 MYA Great Galactic War
Star Rider Flame Runner Keys granted to the Earth Councils of E-Cou-Sha-TA
A small portion of Amenti containing second seeding souls was placed in Sirius B. This would lead to the creation of the Kantarian, Europherites and then the Dagos races. - 4 MYA
3.7 MYA Angelic Human Seeding 2 (Turanesium-2) by the Dagos Cloister
Physical Turanesium-2 Angelic Human Earth Seeing-2
12 Tribes Races, 5 Cloister & 7 Root Races
(3MYA) Crystal Pylon Temples set up on the 12 Inner earth Stargates. They regulate how energy runs through Earth's grids. Created as part of a plan to fix what happened 550MYA and to facilitate humans here as planetary guardians
900,000 YA - Sphere of Amenti comes and goes
848,800 YA - Angelic Human Seeding 2 (Turanesium-2) destroyed due to the Thousand Years War
Nephilim invasion of Earth (primarily Archangel Michael collectives)
Angelic Human (Turanesium-2) Seeding 2 was destroyed in the Thousand Years War
Planet Maldak explodes (USG-5) as a result of the Thousand Years War and becomes the asteroid belt
Arc of the Covenant of Palaidor Passage Created (Note: Covenant of Palaidor, not Emerald Covenant)
Nephilim, Annunaki Human Hybrids
Nephilim (genetic hybrid between Oraphim and Reptilian) are easy to possess and Mind Control for their NAA negative alien agenda.[1]
During the end of the 2nd Seeding the Annunaki started breeding with Humans and a race called NEPHILIM was created. Many of these Nephilim creations were from the kidnap, rape and forced breeding with the human women of the earth. This was not agreed upon, to genetically tamper with the human race and the Elohim would not let this race walk on or be on the Earth. This created a Conflict and another War broke out. This created the war with the Annunaki and other Annunaki sympathizers, such as the Dracs and Sirian Annunaki Hybrids. The Nephilim Wars ended this seeding attempt and we reorganized for the next Evolutionary Round, where the Luciferian Rebellion occurred in the Atlantian Cataclysm timelines.
Many of the Nephilim were destroyed on the earth and their fragmented consciousness became enmeshed with the lower demonic spirits of the dense levels of earth matter. Some of these entities bound to the earth became known as the Watchers, and comprise of both Nephilim and Fallen Angelic fragments.
The Reptilians do not want to heal and thereby integrate into human society as an equal, they want to rule it as an absolute authority in the Archontic Deception Behavior enforced by the False King of Tyranny). Energetic Synthesis
Before The Invasion, Our Natural Solar System~
Maldek is one of the two missing Planets of our Solar System that imploded to become the now existing asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars.
Maldek, Star Gate 5, was blown apart and pieces of it were made to create the artificial orbit of Wormwood, which along with the Planet Nibiru now makes an unnatural axis alignment with Earth into the Phantom Earth System.
The other missing planet is Star Gate 11, Chiron, which was also destroyed and pieces of it were used to create several black hole moons; the Budhara Clarion and Matraya Moons.
These two moons create another misalignment which connects Earth to the Wesadaks black hole system.
Our planet, solar system, galaxy, universe and Veca system (Eckasha-Aah Universe) have an incredibly long (in terms of Earth years) and intricately complex evolutionary history that extends backward in time over 950 billion years (Earth time again).
RECAP Seeds of Suffering
798,000 BC - Angelic Human Seeding 3 Contemporary Lineage Begins
Human Seeding 3 Round 1 (Physical Turaneusiam-2 Seeding 3) 5 Palaidia-Urtite Cloisters
5 Cloisters and 7 Root Races plus NOMI Tribes.
669,000 BC Rama and Temple Wars begin
Rama and Temple Wars, Earth. Anunnaki/Drakonian Invasions (669,000 BC - 250,000BC)
Nephedem-Drakonian & Urantia-Jehovian
600,000 years ago there were wars between the Elohim families (on Vega
250, 000 BC 1st fallen hybrid-human races created
Creation of 1st Anunnaki Illuminate hybrid-humans on Earth Begins
Enki-Enlil-Marduke-Pleiadaian-Nibiruian Anunnaki (Aquatic-ape-hominid) create Lulcus-Neanderthal Primate-hominid slave race via rading Angelic Human colonies
246,000 BC Maharaji bring Emerald Covenant Restatement peace treaty to Earth races, Angelic Humans enter & Toth-Enki Anunnaki enter for DNA Bio-Regenesis
Sequence of Human Races Seeding
Seeding 1 on Gaia via Sphere of Amenti
Host race Ur-Tarranates
250 MYA - 5.5 MYA
extinguished in the Electric Wars
Seeding 2 was on Earth via Sirus B
Pleiadian-Kantarian (Sirian) hybrid Dagos
3.7 MYA - 848,800 YA
extinguished in the 1,000-yr War
Seeding 3 on Earth via Arc of the Covenant (of Palaidor)
Host race Sirian-Pieiadian-Hebrew-Egyptian hybrids of Urtites
Urtites seeded 800,000 YA
Strand 2 Lumarian began 75,000 YA
Reference:: VOYAGER II? KRYSTL.org below
208,216 BC - Stellar Activation Cycle (SAC) fails, Fall of Brenaui, 10 code Pulses & Pole shift
208,216 BC
Guardian Alliance Signet Council 6 present Urtite humans of Earth with 12 CDT Plate Holographic disc records of the Emerald Covenant Maharata Inner KRYST
Major cataclysm destroys Temples of Urtite & Cloister races
Drac invasion leads to Fall of Brenaui and 10-code pulse in grids which leads to pole shift —> SAC fails —> Fall of the Brenaui
Density 2 & 3 Sirian Azurites remove the CDT plates and Signet Shields from Earth
208,100 BC 5 Urtite Cloister Angelic Human Seeding 3 Round 2 seeded in subterranean settlements
198,000 BC Azurites return the Signet Shields to the Urtite Cloisters but kept the CDT Plates
155,000 BC
Hybrid Luhari-Cromagnon-1 created on Earth via Bio-Regenesis (KDDL-2) Calamatous Neanderthal upgrades begin (KHRTHL.org)
Cromagnon-1 Hybrid Bio-Regenesis Race Created on Earth
Emerald Covenant Anunnaki Bio-regenesis begins (upgrade #1 of the Neanderthal slave race)
Emerald Covenant Upgrade #2 of the Neaderthal Slave races allows natural procreation with Angelic Humans
Emerald Covenant Upgrade #3 creates Homo-Sapiens
152,000 BC
Hybrid E-Luhari-Cromagnon-1 created on Earth via Bio-Regenesis —> CROMAGNON-1 Hybrid Bio-Regenesis race created on Earth
Hybrid E-Luhli-Levi-Cromagnon-2 created on Earth via Bio-Regenesis - 1st capable of natural procreation with Earth Humans. This genetic experiment provided the opportunity for them to incarnate as humans and also procreate themselves on Earth.
Levi Hybrid races raided by Drak & Anunnaki fallen races, creating competing line of fallen Leviathan Force Illuminati human genetic lines on Earth
Leviathan Force competing Illuminati genetic lines begin
Cromagnon-2 Hybrid Bio-Regenesis race created, raided to create competing Leviathan Force Illuminati-Human Lines
Cromagnon-2 Hybrid Bio-Regenesis race create on Earth
Hybrid E-Luhli-Judah-Homo Sapien-1 created on Earth via Bio-Regenesis
Homo-Sapien-1 Hybrid Bio-Regenesis Race Created on Earth
151,000 BC E-Luhli-Judah hybrid Hibiru-Urtite-Cloister-Human EC upgrade-3 to E-Luhi-Judah Homo-sapiens
150,000 BC Jehovian Wipeout Earth
Jehovian Wipeout. Competing Drac & Jehovian (Dolphin People) Anunnaki attempt to seize Earth & Inner Earth. Maharaji of Sirius B prevent take over, collapse of Earth’s firmament Hydro-Suspension Fields —> triggering the Glacial Period (ICE AGE) on Earth
148,000 BC
-Luhli-Judah hybrid Hibiru-Urtite-Cloister-Human EC upgrade-4 to E-Luhli-Nephi (Homo-sapien-2 ).
Jehovian Anunnaki launch aggressive raids on Nephi hybrid races creating the Nephite-Jehovian-Hibiru Illuminati hybrid (advanced fallen Leviathan Force Illuminati human Homo-sapien-2) genetic line.
Alcyone Council entrusts Nibiruian Council of Nine with guardianship of D4 Sun Sol SG4
Nephite-Nephilim-Necromiton Anunnaki (Archangel Michael - code name?) defect from Emerald Covenant to run Dominion agendas on Earth
148,000-75,000 BC Anu-Anunnaki Occupation of Earth, Human in Subterranean Exile
148,000 - 75,000 BC Anu Occupation of Earth, Raider Wars Begin
Hybrid E-Luhli-Nephi-Homo-Sapien-2 created on Earth via Bio-Regenesis. Nephi Hybrid races aggressively raided by Jehovian Anunnaki fall races, creating advanced fallen Leviathan Force Illuminati human Homo-sapien-2 genetic line on Earth
Sirius A & Arcturian Jehovian-Anunnaki attempt Earth takeover & genocide campaigns against Angelic Human lines, Drakonian-Nephedem & Nibiruian Anu-Anunnaki Earth races. Enlil-Enki-Marduke Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki lines unite, overthrows Jehovians & seize control of Earth.
Emerald Covenant races exiled & relocated to subterranean settlements.
Raider Wars for Earth takeover begin among Drakonian & Anunnaki fall races.
75,000 BC Dragon APIN created by Omikron Drakonians
8900 BC CDT Plate Translations attempted within Hebrew Lines of Sumeria
Sumerian Invasion
Nibiruian Anunnaki gain strength in Egypt (8550 BC)
**** Note that the “contactees” have different timestamp on this event (Freedom Teaching vs Energetic Synthesis)
75,000 BC Inner Earth Rebellion, overthrow of Anu Occupation
Nibiruian Anu-Anunnaki attempt to seize Inner Earth Protals from Surface Earth. Inner Earth Rebellion- Inner Earth races unite and overthrow Anu-Anunnaki dominion of surface Earth (Inner Earth Rebellion)
Return Surface Earth to Emerald Covenant & Angelic Human (Urtite-Cloister human) races.
73,000 BC Cloister Human Seeding 3 Round 3 begins (Ur-Antrian Cloister)
Energetic Synthesis https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Nephilim
72,000 BC Breanoua Cloister Humans seeded
71,000 BC Root Race Human; Round 4 seeding begins with Lemurians
71,000 YA 6 (of 12) CDT plates were returned to the Priests of Ur)
68,000 BC
Emerald Covenant Upgrade #5 creates Annu-Melchizedeks
Hybrid Anu-Melchizedek-Homo-sapien-3 created on Earth via Clositer Hybridization Bio-Regenesis
E-Luhli-Nephi-Homo-Sapien-2 Hybrid upgrade via further hybridization with Melchizedek-Urtite Cloister Angelic Human, creating Annu-Melchizedek Homo-sapien-3 advanced Human Hybrid.
Drakonian, Jehovian-Anunnaki and Anu-Anunnaki Levithan Illuminati hybrid earth races progressively raid Annu-Melchizedek Homo-sapien-3 Bio-Regenesis hybrid-cloister lines, creating various competing Earth-dominion-agenda hybrids.
Templar Melchizedek Illuminati-Super Race Leviathan fall line - the Leviathan Force; leading to the Atlantean Conspiracy & current drama
>>> Recap
Bioregenesis —> riaded —> created fallen races
Hybrid E-Luhli-Judah-Homo Sapien-1 (152K YA) vs. Leviathan Force Illuminati-Human Lines (152K YA)
Hybrid E-Luhli-Nephi-Homo-Sapien-2 (148K YA) vs. Leviathan Force Illuminati human Homo-sapien-2
Hybrid Anu-Melchizedek-Homo-Sapien-3 (68K YA) vs. Templar Melchizedek Illuminati-Super Race Leviathan fall line
66,000 YA Hibiru Cloister Humans seeded
Annu and Hebrew peoples of the Melchizedek Cloister become primary guardians of the Arc of the Covenant
63,000 YA Root Race Human Aryans seeded |
Melchizedeks appear in Atlantean culture
58,000 YA Ur-Antarians become infiltrated by Nephite
50,000 YA - Lemuria explodes
Lumeria is destroyed in a massive explosion resulting from a botched attempt to quarantine the Dracos in their underground caverns.
approx. 49,000 BC Arc of the Covenant passageway moved from Northern Atlantis (modern day Ireland) to Giza, Egypt
Atlantis was a continent that linked into Florida and Ireland, England and the Netherlands: Lohas-Atlantis. (See Voyagers: Volume 2, 2nd edition)
50,000 YA Lemurian Holocaust
Lemurian Holocausts -This was the first stage of planetary cataclysm that is the hidden history and memories of the human root races that is recorded in our DNA, and of which the NAA wants us to forget this memory so they can continue to manipulate humanities into the Armageddon Software which is based on these previous Timelines of holocaust and genocide memories. Energetic Synthesis
Lemurian Holocaust was the first major event of planet earth genocide memories which happened about 50,000YA.
The Annunaki, Patriarchal Melchizedek’s allowed Orion Group to stage an Draco invasion underground in secret deception. The Draco of Orion Group tunnels between Lemuria and Atlantian continents. Humans found out and tried to seal off underground tunnels with cataclysmic result that destroyed the earth surface.
Earth core implosions destroy portions of the Pacific Ocean Continent – inner earth and underground tunnels are rendered unstable. Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Floods and Sinkholes wreak devastation, killing thousands of humans.
The forthcoming Ice age forced the Lemurians underground. ( see Root Races.) While underground they started to organize the rebuilding of planetary Portals, and repair the Arc Gate with Guardian Groups.
Energetic Synthesis
46,459 BC Original Pyramid Teleport Station built at Giza, Egypt
35,000 YA Sirians (Sirius B) Hosted this Seeding of Human Race
33,000 BC Melchizedek Cloister Humans seeded
28,000 BC Atlantian Flood
Energetic Synthesis
Atlantian Cataclysm
Since the Nephilim Wars the Nibiru Annunaki Resistance and Patriarchal Melchizedek factions decide to take over the Inner Earth and start aggressive campaigns to take over the earth territories 30,000 years ago. The Sirians warned them about the abuse of crystal technology in the earth core and these groups continued to force massive power generators into the earth and Crystal Caverns. Several power generators exploded and ripped apart the surface continents of the earth, more powerful than the previous Cataclysm at the time of the Lemurian Holocaust, killing many humans again. Energetic Synthesis
Initial fall of Atlantian continent, continent blows up into 3 Islands
Atlantian Conspiracy Sparked in 22,326 BC with the Great Deception (Thoth taking CDT Plate 11 and the Eieyani Massacre). Then heightened and solidified around 10,500 BC with a flood and wiping of Human cellular memory.
After the fall of Atlantis, 2 of the 6 CDT plates were in the possession of Atlantian Priests, the other 4 were in the possession of Azurites.
28,000 - 9,500 BC Melchizedeks retreat to Inner Earth lands that are under the primary guardianship of the Speakers of the Blue Flame, the Melchizedek Preisthood, and the Priests of Ur and Mu from Tara
The Atlantic and Pacific 50,000 BC - 28,000 BC Continents Master Templar Stewardship Manual
Noah refers to Nohassa Atlantians -
Victors of War Re-wrote World History
When the planet earth was slowly invaded through a series of Historical Timeline Trigger Events, the victors of the last war were not human beings. Thus, the NAA was able to freely access the energy quanta of earth and her inhabitants without resistance, because awareness of this fact was methodically erased from historical references and the information suppressed from earth humans. Effectively, this produced anti-human control and mass consciousness enslavement on the earth. The incarnating earth human was no longer able to naturally access the intelligent consciousness of his own spiritual body, without employing sophisticated esoteric practices that necessitated long term efforts for rebuilding the consciousness. The techniques for building the lightbody were taught in the Atlantian Mystery Schools of various lineages and this information was a tightly held secret, only given to the sequestered monks, elite or the ruling classes.[2] Energetic Synthesis
Follow-up reading >> Historical Timeline Trigger Events
25,500 BC Pleiadian Nibiruian Anunnaki break Emerald Covenant Agreements
Nibiruan Council of Nine defects from Emerald Covenant
Anunnaki of Nibiru seize control of Solar Gate 4 and used it to reverse Earth's natural spin ratio to Anti-KRYST-ic 34 CCW top/ 21 CW bottom
Lucifer Rebellion
Pharisees remove 6 key letters from the Hebrew alphabet
Golden Eagle LPIN reversed (creating White Eagle APIN) by Necrominton-Andromie Nephilim
Michael Mary Turnstile Templar control System created. The planetary Merkaba was damaged
Nibiruian Data Crystal Grid installed (Stonehenge)
25,500 BC Nibiruian Data Crystal Grid installed
By garethwiscombe - https://www.flickr.com/photos/garethwiscombe/1071477228/in/photostream/, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=13278936
Stonehenge was built in a special geometry atop the Nibiru Diodic Crystal or NDC, to counteract the NDC's ability to mutate DNA by reversing the planetary merkaba, altering its spin rates and reversing the DNA codes in Earth's grid system. This generates the Checkerboard Mutation, which reverses the fire letter sequences and creates junk DNA. There is a programmed crystal that is many stories tall and has been inserted deep into the Earth's crust in this location. The NDC is primarily controlled by the Thoth, Enki, Enlil Collectives from Nibiru which acts as a relay station for scalar sonic beams that are sourcing from Nibiru and directed into the planetary grid.[1].[2]
Checkerboard Mutation The Checkerboard Mutation is generated from multiple alien machinery systems that reverse the energy current throughout the planetary grid networks to split them into bi-wave frequencies. The bi-wave consciousness allows for extreme polarity amplification in the Collective Consciousness energies, and the splitting between the polarities to generate extreme densification. This is also what produces Gender Reversals in the human Lightbody and Gender Splitting. These reversals are intended to maintain the Reversal Networks on the earth plane that keep human DNA Unplugged and the NAA in control of the Timelines on the earth grids.[3] Energetic Synthesis
22,500 BC Eieyani Grail Line begins
Eieyani Grail Line begins | Four Faces of Man and Blue Oxen LPIN created by Guardians
22,340 BC Lucifer Rebellion
The split between Science and Spirit (now known mostly as Religion) takes hold
Azurites commission Thoth as CDT plate translator
Thoth steals CDT Plate 11
Thoth defects from the Emerald Covenant to join the Lucifer Rebellion
22,326 BC - Eieyani Massacre, SAC fails —> location was disclosed by Thoth, all communication lines were highjacked. Women were used to produce offspring and men were killed or used to create the portal.
The Great Deception occurs on the land that is now known as Kauai. This was at the root of the Atlantian Conspiracy (which included a memory wipe for the entire human race).
Thoth, Enki, Enlil and the Emerald Tablet
Before the Luciferian Rebellion, the true motivation of Thoth’s allegiance to further the Nibiruian Annunaki dominion agendas of Enki and Enlil, to completely annihilate the Christos genetic template for achieving takeover of the Solar System, was not well known by those Guardian groups stationed in the lower dimensional timelines.
Those that had incarnated in the lower dimensional stations had been cut off from direct communication links with the liquid plasma Christos family that existed beyond the time matrix. Before communications links were cut off, the Fallen Melchizedek entity that became Thoth was known to be loyal to the Christos Founders. Thus, it was a mystery within mysteries when discovering various stations of identities that were gradually revealed to be imposters or AI reality clones. These counterfeits were strewn over many timelines and participating in the many successive evolution cycles, making them difficult to source.
The Ascension cycle is also about revealing the true identities, in order to fully know who was actually who in the timelines, and identify those groups that were primarily behind the military tactics, cloning and AI power source of the Galactic Wars.
We are still in the process of discovering this mystery today, in reverse engineering the structural and genetic damage that took place in the Universal Time Matrix from this position on the earth. Christos Starseeds incarnated in order to track the origination of the AI source in the AI timelines, and identify the exact event horizon and point of entry of the phantom matrix infection entering the Universal Time Matrix from the Black Hole.
Essentially, Thoth is another name for Lucifer
He was a mighty light being who became corrupted by his unrestrained access to free will, along with pride and lust for personal power, which made him susceptible to infection by the AI virus sourcing from the Black Hole entities.
This led to the co-creation of the Belial Suns, comprised mostly of Annunaki Human Hybrids including the Nephilim regressive lines. Originally these groups are from the Sirian and Pleiadian Constellation and then became wanderers with digressive DNA, limited to 9-10-11 DNA strands. This created many planetary DNA mutations from the histories of alien hybridization, and subsequent wars over genetics and the blank slate damage of the planetary grid network as a result of the Atlantian Cataclysm. The main control hub for the Belial groups is in the United Kingdom.
After gaining control over the Giza Stargate post Atlantian Cataclysm, the Thothian Annunaki and their race lines in the Belial groups made demands of the Christos Founder races that the entire angelic human race on the earth be placed under the dominion of Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelic races. The Founder races and Christos representatives attempted to continue peaceful negotiations in finding a resolution to the territorial conflicts unfolding, and an agreement was made between Guardians and the Annunaki in the Aquila constellation that was referred to as the Treaty of Altair.
more reading >> Treaty of Altair, Prison Planet, Secret Space Program, galactic human trafficking
From The Clone Wars (TV series)
Thoth has been playing the role of double agent for many eons and made several duplicitous agreements with the High Sirian Council to appear as if he would uphold the Paliadorian Covenant, which is designed to protect the Christos template for evolving angelic human genetics. The Paliadorian and Christos Founders that exist outside of time were not able to connect directly to earth and into many sections of the Universal Time Matrix, until the Neutron Window or Galactic Gates were opened in late 2012.
Many of us incarnated on the earth during the Ascension cycle to be their representative place holders, keeping the Christos template alive on the earth through the building of the Indigo shield.
Over the years we were able to build the energetic circuit of communication links through the Christos Shield network, and are now in full communication and contact with the Christos Founder races. This is what is meant in the many prophecies describing the return of the Christos to the earth, and this event has already happened. The infusion of Krystic architecture for ascending human embodiment will continue to gradually shift the energetic landscape and the consciousness of the earth, allowing much higher consciousness beings to incarnate for many years to come.
Thoth’s personal and direct military intervention with Enki and Enlil groups to incite wars with the purpose of committing genocidal agendas of human holocaust, was fully revealed during the tragic events of invasion of the 11th tribe which resulted in the Eieyani Essene Massacre. The primary goal was to obtain one of the actual holographic discs that was being guarded on the earth by the Maji Grail King for his particular stargate genetics, Essene Tribe 11. The content on this disc included the formulas and secrets contained in the art of energy transmutation, dominion over lesser forces, and manifestation through alchemy. These include immortality sciences through the source of the prima materia or azoth that is found in the creator’s holy spirit, generated by the Mother of God principle.
Approximately 22,000 YA, Thoth led a militarized event which resulted in the Essene Massacre, murdering the males and taking their sacred marriage female partners hostage for forced hybridization breeding on Nibiru. Thoth stole the CDT plate that was in their possession, and from this stolen work he wrote down the information that would later become the basis of the teachings of Hermeticism and the Emerald Tablet. Thus, in human hidden history, this is the trigger timeline event that changed the future of human evolution, in forming the controlled beliefs and Luciferian elitism around Hermeticism, esoteric Kabbalah, Mystery Schools and the Secret Societies. These secret societies were originally formed by the Luciferian Knights Templar and were ultimately designed to hide the ancient sacred knowledge of humanities true origins from the common people, in order to route them into the guardrails of superstitions, ignorance and organized religion.
An imaginative 17th-century depiction of the Emerald Tablet from the work of Heinrich Khunrath, 1606. Wikipedia for more
It was during the Essene massacre that Thoth was able to steal the holographic plate from the Maji Grail King of the 11th human tribe,
gaining access to cosmic schematics of immortality alchemy, and
become the revered author of what has spawned into many esoteric texts and
spiritual traditions.
During the Middle Kingdom timelines, he incarnated as a powerful Magician and Egyptian Priest, and became known on the earth as the author of what would be referred to as Hermeticism.
Although Hermes Trismegistus is the stated author named in the text, its first known appearance is in a book written in Arabic between the sixth and eighth centuries and stated as the combined works taken from earlier Egyptian scrolls. The text supposedly was first translated into Latin in the twelfth century which increased its availability, helping it spread into numerous translations, interpretations and commentaries that were followed by many philosophers and alchemists of the ancient world. The layers of meaning in the Emerald Tablet have been associated with the creation of the philosopher's stone, laboratory experimentation, phase transition, the alchemical magnum opus, the ancient, classical element system, and the correspondence that interconnects all things between the macrocosm and microcosm.
The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Smaragdine Table or Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of the Hermetica reputed to contain the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation. It was highly regarded by European alchemists in the Middle Ages as the foundation of their art and its Hermetic tradition. Although alchemy was only one topic among many in the Hermetica, in the European Middle Ages Hermes came to be known as the legendary first alchemist and alchemy as the hermetic art. The Hermetica ranged in content from medical, astrological, and magical treatises to much more theosophical ruminations on the redemption of the spirit through gnosis. This association in the Hermetica between practical alchemy and spiritual gnosis found its way into alchemical theory through later authors.
These writings have greatly influenced the Western esoteric tradition and were considered to be of great importance during both the Renaissance and the Reformation. The tradition claims to be descended from an ancient theology, prisca theologia, which is a doctrine that affirms the existence of a single, true theology that threads within all religions, and that was given by God to humans in antiquity. The doctrine of a prisca theologia is held by, among others, Rosicrucianism.
Although Hermes Trismegistus is the stated author named in the text, its first known appearance is in a book written in Arabic between the sixth and eighth centuries and stated as the combined works taken from earlier Egyptian scrolls. The text supposedly was first translated into Latin in the twelfth century which increased its availability, helping it spread into numerous translations, interpretations and commentaries that were followed by many philosophers and alchemists of the ancient world. The layers of meaning in the Emerald Tablet have been associated with the creation of the philosopher's stone, laboratory experimentation, phase transition, the alchemical magnum opus, the ancient, classical element system, and the correspondence that interconnects all things between the macrocosm and microcosm.
The Hermetic literature among the Egyptians, which was primarily concerned with conjuring spirits and animating statues, inform the oldest Hellenistic writings on Greco-Babylonian astrology and on the newly developed practice of alchemy and black magic.
You may identify “Dark Forces” by learning the core principle they follow and how people are programmed/behaving in their environment.
The Fall of the Rebel Angels; left hand panel of Hieronymus Bosch's The Haywain Triptych, c. 1500
Checklists to decipher….
Are people treated equally or Is there “pecking-order”?
Any preferential treatment towards man, such as no female shall enter beyond this point.
Are people told to worship external god(s), such as Lord, Savior, God Almighty, etc.
Do they make you feel empowered, or, ask you for forgiveness (make you feel bad)?
22,326 BC Yanas instruct Eieyani to bring Earth online with the Emerald Ecka Override System
21,900 BC Lohas-Celtec-Druidic Freeze Out
13,400 BC - Planetary Monadic reversal, Great Netting
12500 BC
small group of Aquafereion NaVAHO reseeded through Coral, Peru bringing back seeding 2 Angelic Human Aquari codes.
Aquari Gene code are introduced into Angelic Humans via the 12 Feathers
10948 BC Toral Rift event occurs.
Earth's time cycles (SAC and precession of the equinox) were synchronized to the control of the Parallel Earth wormhole opening cycles
Toral Rift set in place to cause the Halls of Amenti Stargates to open prematurely in 2012 AD
13400 - 9,562 BC
The Great Netting is created
Great netting results in DNA block and race memory wipe for all of Earth's life field
10500 BC
Luciferian Conquest, Illuminati Humans gain control of Earth Human evolution
Falcon & Phoenix Wormholes drilled through "Wall in Time"
Founders Cap Flacon & Phoenix Wormholes
Pyramid at Giza Egypt rebuilt after Anunnaki attack
Enoch defected from Emerald Covenant
Atlantian Conspiracy solidifies
10,000 BC - CDT translation - YU, China and Tibet
9558 BC Final Fall of Atlantis/Atlantian Flood
privilege of going through the portals from here to inner Earth was taken away
Emerald Covenant Races install a Frequency Fence around Earth which quarantines Earth and locks human perception range to single vector 3-dimensions.
Maharaji give Rod and Staff to Maji Grail King Lines
Pyramid at Giza Egypt rebuilt after Atlantis cataclsym
8900 BC - CDT Translation - Sumerian
CDT Plate Translations attempted within Hebrew Lines of Sumeria
Sumerian Invasion
Nibiruian Anunnaki gain strength in Egypt (8550 BC)
8400 BC - CDT Translation, Serres-Egyptian
CDT Plate Translations attempted within predynastic Serres-Egyptian Grail Line of Egypt
Egyptian Invasion
Templar Seal,
Taran Priests of Ur disassociate themselves with Priesthood of Melchizedek (8000 BC)
7500 BC - CDT Translation, Celtek
CDT Plate Translation attempted within Celtek Grail Lines
Knights Templar Invasion
5900 BC - CDT Translation, Rama-Vita Indian
4700 BC - CDT Translation, Inca
CDT Plate translation attempted within Mu'a Inca Grail Line of Macchu Picchu and Lake Titicaca Peru
Illuminati Invasion
3700 BC - CDT Translation, Mayan
3700 BCCDT Plate Translation attempted within Maya Grail Lines
Mayan Raids (Thothian Niburian Anunnaki Illuminati forces) 3650 BC
Babylon Massacre and memory wipe 3470 BC
Thoth leaves Egypt for Mayan Culture 3115 BC
2690 BC - CDT Translation, South African
2024 BC - CDT Translation, Enoch
Enoch serves as CDT plate translator
Nibiruian air raid of Babylon (Sodom and Gomorrah)
Dead Sea Conquest
1982 BC Contemporary Melchizedek Preisthood founded in Jerusalem within Hibiru Cloister
1979 BC Nephilim King Melchizedek brought to earth from Nibiru
1670-1550 BC Hyksos Invasion
1476 BC Hyksos Exodus
1459 BC Isreal Crusade
1458 BC Hatshepsut Invasion
1370 BC - Akhenaton
1370 --1353 Reign of Akhenaton according to Sirian Council - Birth of Amenophis and Avatar with at least 9th Dimensional frequency (later called Akhenaton) in Thebes, Egypt
1398 BC Sphere of Amenti decended into Earth Core from the UHF bands of dimension 3
1367-1362 BC Akhenaton ascends Annu populations and excludes others from the final steps | Blue Flame Melchizedeks secretly ascend those who had been excluded by Akhenaton
1362 BC Showdown between Akhenaton & Blue Flame Melchizedeks (Seraphim vs. Elohim) leads to distortion and splitting of the Sphere of Amenti leaving the distorted part lodged in Earth Core while the undistorted part was resealed in Dim-3
Both Akhenaton and Blue Flame Melchizedeks ignore warnings and continue to ascend souls -- those souls ended up fragmented because the Sphere of Amenti was split.
Elohim remove over 1,000 fragmented souls to the core of Sirius B
1353 BC Fall of Akhenaton
1353 BC Galactic Federation defects from Emerald Covenant
1348 BC Birth of Tutankhaton (later Tutankhamon) son of Sabtoth
1344 BC Sabatoth executed
1331 BC - Arc of Covenant of Palaidor transferred to Melchizedek Cloister from Hibiru Cloister
Death of Tutankhamon
Arc of the Covenant of Palaidor transferred from Ceres-Egyptians to Hibiru Cloister under supervision of Blue Flame Melchizedeks
Haremheb appoints Aya as the new Pharoah
Aya dies and Haremheb appoints himself as Pharoah (1324 BC)
Pharoah Haremheb dies (1309 BC)
Rameses I becomes Pharoah (1309 BC)
1240 BC - Essene Brotherhood
1150 BC Preists of Ur split with Essene Brotherhood
1000 BC (approx) Inner Earth lands (formerly called Ar-Ratoth, then Agratath) become referred to as Agartha
906 BC Fall of Solomon's Temple
790 BC Attempt to translate CDT plates to the Ionian-Italic Grail Line of what became Rome and Paxos Greece
700 BC Ra Confederacy appoints Azurites as primary Guardians of the Covenant of Palaidor and equal control over human evolution
196 BC - 4230 AD Ascension Cycle Earth enters the sixth time continuum of the DN1 Euiago cycle (the half-way point of that cycle is 2017)
48 BC
Nibiru fell into the hands of Marduke-Dramin and Necrominton-Andromie Nephilim Drakonian
Galactic Federation re-enter Emerald Covenant to gain assistance reclaiming Nibiru and Bio-regenesis for Jeshewua-9
46 BC - AquA'elle births White Buffalo Woman and a male twin, Biblical period begins
46 BC Birth of Ioannes (John the Baptist)
46 BC - 37 AD Eckatic Trinity/Christ Period
42 - 5 BC DN5 Breneau, Azurites & Eieyani of Inner Earth intervene (citing births of John the Baptist, Miriam & Jesheua)
42 - 26 BC Illuminati Invasion of Rome
42 BC Birth of Azuria (John the Baptist)
34 BC Birth of Merigedra
31 BC Birth of John the Baptist
26 BC Roman Invasion Omicron-Drakonian exile Angelic Human Tribe 5
23 BC Birth of Immanuel13 BC Birth of Marahari
12 BC Birth of Jesheua (Jesus-12)
12 BC - 27 AD "Christ Drama"
7 BC Birth of Jeshewua (Jesus-9)
5 BC Birth of Miriam
12AD Intended time for disengagement of Nibiruan Data Crystal Grid fails
8 -- 21 AD Secret ascensions orchestrated for Jesus-12 through Giza
10 AD CDT translation - Essene
Enoch defected from Emerald Covenant
Jehovian Sirius A (Galactic Federation & Ashtar Command) defect from Emerald Covenant —> One World Order Agenda
23 AD Essene Divide
325 Council of Nicea edits the Freedom Teachings and crafts the modern Bible
400 - CDT translation - UR-Essene-Melchizedek, Persia
559-608 Arthurian drama
1200 - CDT translation - KatharA-Catheri, France
Cathar Massacre in Southern France (1244)
1307-1314 Pope Clement V & French King Phillipe IV massacre Knights Templar
1375 - CDT translation - Hopi, Seminole, Inca, Inuit, Americas
1400’ Iluminati forces invade the Americas —> Ameka Crusade (1500)
1903-1916 Zeta Drakonians uncap Falcon Wormhole
1926 Zeta/Dracos travel back in time to 1926 after having successfully overtaken Earth during what would have been the Organic SAC in 4230 AD
1930-1940 Zeta Treaties and MJ12
1932 Major contracts with world governments and Zeta Reticulli begin
1943 Philadelphia Experiment punches a hole in the Wall in Time between our Earth and Phantom Earth
1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements
2000 Sept Anunnaki fully defect from Emerald Covenant in favor of UIR War Edict
2001 Sept
see reference HERE
2012 Aurora Host Began
Energetic Synthesis