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  • Level 4 Decoding your DNA Template and your identity you can access the lecture by clicking the links below. Please request for access by clicking the link as I may have not assigned the correct email account for share.

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Lecture Notes

DNA Brings Us Together

  • DNA, together with morphogenetic field, is the key for us to evolve back to Source Beings = “Sun of God” as a bible describes.

  • DNA serves as the Divine Template that connect us with our higher identities - Soul, Over-Sour and Avatar Selves. We are supposed to progressively embodies these higher consciousness through numerous incarnations

  • "Junk DNA” represents damage to the Human Base Code which if fixed could bring more of the original capabilities back online. It is related to distortions in the planetary magnetic fields and cellular memory

  • Original Human template had 12 strands of DNA each corresponding to one of the material dimensions. Each dimension had a double helix made up of Mion (magnetic, female) and Dion (electrical, male) base codes.

  • It is said that “Human races that carried the DNA coding to run the planetary grids, to bring in the frequency”

  • DNA (non physical one) serves as an energetic projection where we experience the same reality field. It means that we have the same DNA coding if we see/experience each other.

DNA Encodes Our Identities And Our Memberships

We can expand the idea we learned so far and ask our DNA about our roots. Who we are, where we originally came from, and who we belong to, etc. We can also see how we relate to each other by which part of our DNAs we share. It sounds easy, and probably is. Perhaps what blocks us from accessing it is in some distortions in our DNAs. As we heal our DNA, our mind-body-spirit connection becomes more stable. Our consciousness becomes more clear, less distorted, and connected to the original “Light”. So, you become more “WHOLE” when you have fewer blockages.

We cannot heal our DNA in one day, but we can accelerate the process by coming together with the same intention. It might be a temporal, but your body will remember. So it becomes easier when you try this yourself at home. Also we can utilize our planetary connection. We can do this even more effectively and efficiently when our planet receives extra energy from Source.

Decoding Our DNA Template

Scanning Your Own Sun Code

Your Identity is in the power of DNA Strands

  1. The number of DNA Strands

    • Original Human Pattern 12 double-helix DNA strands

    • Indigo Children 24 + DNA strands

    • ETs/Aliens 11 or less DNA strands

  2. Your Capacity - Earth seed (Root Race) or Star seed (Cloister Race) ?

    • Strand Activation levels

    • 5 Cloister Races and 7 Root races.

  3. Are you being with your Twin flame?

  4. Your Power Within Incarnation Cycle

    • Relative power you have to other incarnate selves

  5. Your name - Avatar, Sun Name, Flame affiliation/Group

12 Tribes : 5 Cloister Races and 7 Root races.

Multidimensional Anatomy and How To Apply Them

Based on who you are (which identity you align yourself with at this time), you may use the followings as your guide.

  • I AM a Grail (Gru-AL) line. Keeper of the portal/Stargate/Sacred site —> Gate Keeper

    • It is extremely beneficial to identity your tribe affiliations so that you may find your home land, sacred site, and spirit group for fulfilling life experience.

  • I AM a flame holder - Keeper of Knowledge

    • It is helpful to know which flame holder you belong so that you may align your career to your soul mission.

  • I AM an INDIGO - 1) Frequency (Vortex) holder, 2) Multidimensional Healer - Host, 3) Grid worker, 4) Ascended Master

    • This is a powerful knowledge. You can benefit from knowing which Indigo type you belong at this moment. Depending on the type, your primary mission differs. You may move forward with your 3D life as well as your multidimensional reality in a clear and grounding manner. Good luck!!!

There are more roles and categories - for example, some came or stayed here to seek lost souls/a twin flame, resolve karmic cycles, and/or stuck here dye to astral recycling.

Exercise 1 (Warm-up)

  • Face to face or use of mirror - find out your previous incarnation that is relevant to you now.

Exercise 2

  • Opening Book of Life

Template 1 for Healing

Lotus Breath Activation Code

Master Healing Codes

Let’s discuss (Q&A)

Betcha HOVA scan —> file



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